January 15, 2015 watchtower 3 study articles about marriage.

by hoser 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TD

    I just read the articles and would say none are so blind as those who will not see.

    The JW faith itself is the biggest single strain on JW marriages, most especially because of the time it robs away from couples.

    A lot of the other stuff is hokey, but not materially different than what other religions say.

  • dozy

    I could never really figure out all the "3 strands are stronger" and "God is in our marriage" stuff. There didn't ever seem to be much of a difference between the success or failure rates of JW marriages and those of "worldly" people.

    I do remember when I was an elder a painful shepherding call we made on a pioneer couple ( early 30's ) in our congregation. To everyone , it would appear that they had a perfect JW marriage - they were always on the platform , giving experiences at assemblies etc. Yet in reality , they admitted that the marriage was a sham. They had married young like most JWs & the brother admitted that they very quickly realised that they didn't really love each other. At least they didn't need to worry about the sister coming off pioneering due to pregnancy - they hadn't had sex in 10 years.

    They called the shepherding call to ask what would be the consequences of their pioneer status if they separated. We had to tell them that they would no longer be "exemplary" so would have to come off ( or else be removed. ) I often wondered what became of them - last I heard they were still together ( nominally , anyway ) and pioneering.

  • TD
    they hadn't had sex in 10 years.

    Yes. I'm a pretty good observer of people and you can usually tell just by a couple's body language during a prayer....



    Most of the WBT$ JW couples are nothing like they behave in a kingdom hall..

    When your a little kid at a stay over,you see how the JW Couples behave to each other..


    .................................If It Wasn`t For The Threat Of Police..

    .................At Least 1 Person in 1/2 of JW Marriages Would Be Dead..



  • steve2

    The key to a happy marriage?

    Insist the third party involved in the relationship - i.e., Jehovah God - leave immediately, leaving the couple able to work out their relationship free from FOG (i.e., fear, obligation and guilt).

  • WTWizard

    There are limited options, plus there is no trial before commitment. With a jokehovian marriage, you pick someone blindly and then you are stuck with it. And that someone needs to be a pious-sneer, or a hounder, and in excellent exemplary standing. You pick someone you are compatible with, and the hounders will add those traits about being exemplary to the requirements. Result: You get stuck with someone you are not compatible with. How many race-mixed, or even Jew/Gentile marriages, happen within the jokehovians where neither party are compatible with the other and it only happened because of pxxx poor selections? Or, you get a husband that is a tyrant with a wife that needs a little personal freedom. These mixed marriages that happen because the selection is wretched or because the hounders feel they should be made almost never work--unlike when people have the chance to research the other cultures, have the freedom to make their own decisions, and decide to marry anyways.

    Then, once you are together for better or worse, you are stuck with each other. Never mind you never get the chance to try it out. That way, you could test whether you can live with the other person's different traits. Beyond that, you are stuck with added problems. Field circus, hounders with their noses in your sex life, and not being allowed to work in peace all add to the stress. Many an argument, even when cultural differences are not a factor, happen when a spouse comes home late from work on a boasting session night and cannot reasonably make it. And the children--how many arguments happen because someone wants to attend a simple birthday party at school or go on a simple night on the town? Teenagers in the cancer never get to spend time at recreation centers--for "bad associations". Or, they don't want to get up for the boasting session--or stay at one on a night before a major unit test.

    I am staying tuned for even worse. I suspect this is the first step in trashing sex the way they did money and education recently. I suspect they are planning, behind the scenes, to make a good marriage next to impossible or for single people to stay single. Whether they decide that "lack of self control" is the only reason to marry because you should be devoted to "the Lord" and then decide this same "lack of self control" is a barrier to marriage at all, or make a bunch of rules preventing people from getting together, I expect worse is in the pipe. Whether it comes from a Kool-Aid or they have a speech at a Grand Boasting Session, I expect they are preparing to even more tightly regulate marriage within the cancer. Of course, if you are already married (whether to someone you are compatible with or not), you are stuck with it.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    ..and when you really think about living in eternity with your JW mate the unworthy thought can arise - is this really the only person that I'm ever going to have sex with?

  • Raton

    "To compound matters, “the last days” are characterized by selfish, ungodly attitudes that are toxic to a marriage"

    I like how they link a bad marriage into further proof that the 'end is near'.

  • hoser


    "I just read the articles and would say none are so blind as those who will not see.

    The JW faith itself is the biggest single strain on JW marriages, most especially because of the time it robs away from couples."

    I would have to agree with you on this. Our marriage has blossomed since I stopped believing in the rubbish. I used to be a real a$$hole toward my wife because of the image I had to project while I was an appointed man in the congregation. I don't miss those days.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Our marriage too blossomed since leaving this cult. Escpecially the WTBTS bedroom rules sufficated us.

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