There are limited options, plus there is no trial before commitment. With a jokehovian marriage, you pick someone blindly and then you are stuck with it. And that someone needs to be a pious-sneer, or a hounder, and in excellent exemplary standing. You pick someone you are compatible with, and the hounders will add those traits about being exemplary to the requirements. Result: You get stuck with someone you are not compatible with. How many race-mixed, or even Jew/Gentile marriages, happen within the jokehovians where neither party are compatible with the other and it only happened because of pxxx poor selections? Or, you get a husband that is a tyrant with a wife that needs a little personal freedom. These mixed marriages that happen because the selection is wretched or because the hounders feel they should be made almost never work--unlike when people have the chance to research the other cultures, have the freedom to make their own decisions, and decide to marry anyways.
Then, once you are together for better or worse, you are stuck with each other. Never mind you never get the chance to try it out. That way, you could test whether you can live with the other person's different traits. Beyond that, you are stuck with added problems. Field circus, hounders with their noses in your sex life, and not being allowed to work in peace all add to the stress. Many an argument, even when cultural differences are not a factor, happen when a spouse comes home late from work on a boasting session night and cannot reasonably make it. And the children--how many arguments happen because someone wants to attend a simple birthday party at school or go on a simple night on the town? Teenagers in the cancer never get to spend time at recreation centers--for "bad associations". Or, they don't want to get up for the boasting session--or stay at one on a night before a major unit test.
I am staying tuned for even worse. I suspect this is the first step in trashing sex the way they did money and education recently. I suspect they are planning, behind the scenes, to make a good marriage next to impossible or for single people to stay single. Whether they decide that "lack of self control" is the only reason to marry because you should be devoted to "the Lord" and then decide this same "lack of self control" is a barrier to marriage at all, or make a bunch of rules preventing people from getting together, I expect worse is in the pipe. Whether it comes from a Kool-Aid or they have a speech at a Grand Boasting Session, I expect they are preparing to even more tightly regulate marriage within the cancer. Of course, if you are already married (whether to someone you are compatible with or not), you are stuck with it.