January 15, 2015 watchtower 3 study articles about marriage.

by hoser 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hoser

    "Many couples also have difficulty in coping with demanding employment while caring for children"

    " Stress and exhaustion make it difficult for some couples to take the time they need in order to strengthen their marriage."

    Both of these situations could be avoided by DISOBEYING the teachings of the watchtower religion.

    1. Get a good paying job even if it involves missing midweek meetings or disobeying the watchtower's position against higher education.

    2. Don't waste your time in any form of full time service.

    3. If you are tired on Saturday or Sunday morning and your body is telling you to stay in bed. Stay in bed.


    Even though she won't admit it, I think my wife appreciates me not being an overbearing douche. The real barrier to her seeing TTATT is that she hasn't been in a star-chamber hearing. She only sees the loving side of the Eldubs. She has never seen the physical change on their faces like I did. I witnessed another personality come out of one Eldub. It was a real wake up call.



    Excellent points, Hoser!! I have a new angle that I am going to try on the Eldubs. It involves resting for mental and physical health reasons. I will tell you how it goes.


  • Theredeemer

    I can say from first hand experience, the three chord analogy is total bullshit! My ex and I were very spiritual and worked hard at our duties and responsabilities in the KH, so much that we began to ignore the fact that we began to grow apart. We started fighting more and more. Suddenly, i realised we werent friends anymore and didnt really love each other. We wanted very different things and once I woke up to TTATT it was all over.

    My new marriage doesnt have the shackles of the duties that being a JW carries. We both have full time jobs and we both work extra hours here and there. I am now in the online Nursing program which gets pretty stressfull sometimes. But all the spare time we have we spend together. There is a big difference between the responsibilities of school and those of being Jdub.

    School is working towards a tangible future. Its a absolute goal. Its a goal that my family will benefit from for the rest of my life. Once finished, no one can take that accomplishment away. Yes Im sacrificing alot of time and money but the benefits will last for the rest of our lives.

    The benefits of Jdub duties and privilidges are not tangible. They are all for some future blessing of living forever on paradise Earth. You dont get money for it to help with family and expenses nor do you get real support when faced with hard times. They take up all your free time, you sacrifice so much with real little in return and, in the end, they can take all your hard work and accomplishments away in one swift move.

    I also think that constantly having watchtowers, elders and others in your face telling you how you should be a "good" husband or "good" wife is not helpful in any way. The fact is, there is no formula. No one gets married to get divorced,it just happens. Sometimes two people should not be together and it really doesnt matter what you do to change that. Nothing, not friends, family, counselors, therapists or religion can change it. Even when you do find someone you love and they love you, I think it still comes down to tolerance and patience. Can you patiently tolerate each other and, at the same time, grow as an individual and couple? Nothing can garauntee this or predict how long it lasts you just take it day by day.

    I dont know. Just my two cents.

  • jgnat

    The world is going to shambles, eh? Newsflash, divorce rates are dropping.







    Well, maybe divorce rates are not dropping for Jehovah's Witnesses. Indicators for divorce include young/teen marriage, and lower on the socioeconomic scale. Education makes a difference, too. College educated couples divorce less often.

    Yup, lousy advice.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Well, maybe divorce rates are not dropping for Jehovah's Witnesses. Indicators for divorce include young/teen marriage, and lower on the socioeconomic scale. Education makes a difference, too. College educated couples divorce less often.

    Cult 101 - cause problems for adherents, then insist that any problems in their lives are because they are insufficiently devoted to the cult.

  • punkofnice

    A typical JW chat up line is 'You'll do.'

    That's because to 'marry only in the lord(tm)' means to only marry cult members. Two delusionals together. Not much punaani to choose from.

  • BU2B

    Well put Hoser. So true. The real reason for the strain in many cases IS THE RELIGION! Take that away and the stress melts off too. Even when you skip meetings for a week, you feel the stress leave.

  • TD
    So true. The real reason for the strain in many cases IS THE RELIGION! Take that away and the stress melts off too. Even when you skip meetings for a week, you feel the stress leave.

    Hear hear....

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