Frieking Bethel Heavies/COs and their second rings!

by lambsbottom 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • lambsbottom

    Dude, every picture I see of any Bethel heavies or GB members (a lot of COs also) have them wearing a second huge gold ring! This is a clear sign of "hey I'm a bigshot!" You just dont see that in interviews of celebrities or politicials. One wedding ring is standard. Two is a sign of prominence or pretending your prominent. Just a social thing. Bunch of narcissists.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yup, the sad thing is that one mustn't look far to find a WT article that includes wearing gold rings in it's criticism of Christendom's clergy.

  • toweragent

    Where else are the rank and file to kiss them?

  • ShirleyW

    Toweragent - I bet you can figure out where else the rank and file can kiss them . . . .

  • Incognito

    Maybe each of the GB receive their own I'D ring. This could be similar to the Masonic rings Master Mason's wear to signify their degree and indicate their solidarity to the brotherhood.

  • Oubliette

    It IS weird.

    See this thread I started on the same subject a couple of months ago:

    How to Wear a Pinkie Ring, by Stephen Lett, Governing Body Member



    They're all going bling crazy!

  • rebel8

    Rings aren't necessarily that expensive, and could be inherited or received as gifts.

    In some cultures it is quite common for men to wear rings like that.


    Is Lett flashing an Illuminati symbol??


  • skeeter1

    I'm ok with a man wearing a watch and his wedding band. Anything beyond that, looks cheesy, tacky, and low class. Like a Calvin & Hobbs pissing sticker type of low class. Like a leisure suit and white platform shoes. Like a hairpiece or a combover. It's like a stupid union boss, gets a second riiing. Two gold rings are just IIIIIIICK. If you have money, buy a really nice watch and leave it at that, ok?

  • Divergent

    Lord of the Rings!

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