Don Corleone... or in this case Don Stupido. ...JW's will say.. oh God father....may I kiss your ring? Lol
Frieking Bethel Heavies/COs and their second rings!
by lambsbottom 22 Replies latest jw friends
Pinky rings are in the same class as tatoos. They are identity statements.
"I am rich"
"I am special"
"I am important"
"I am gay"
"I am top boss"
"I achieved"
"I belong"
I like pinky rings. When I see a man with one it is a warning to stay as far away as possible.
There are lots of google links to men wearing pinky rings. And it seems most of the views are on the negative eye-rolling side and at best given a "whatever".
But now that we know "Happiness is the Truth"(Pharrel Williams) - then party on you pitiful old men.
It is said that Fred Franz wore a Masonic Ring.
I wonder if any of these rings are signets of an organization other than the Watchtower?