Ours was $9000 a few weeks back. $17,000 is more than the cost of a typical two-day! How much toilet paper and soap do you people go through???
Seriously, though, even $9000 is way high. I think we have a right to ask where all that money is going.
When I was still serving as an elder, I had several publishers who would ask me about these outrageous costs (guess I was just "approachable") and frankly they were just impossible to defend. As I understand it now, the "rental fee" is established so that 50% of the fee can be forwarded directly to the WTS, thus they are actually charging double the costs of the facility (which includes stashing money aside for the next scheduled remodel). The Assm Halls in the UK (and perhaps Canada) must file a public financial report and it's clear to see how much money they are sitting on and how much they are forwarding to "Mother".
These are things that need to be questioned by those who are still active. If they think no one notices or cares, they will just continue to rape & pillage the Sheeple more and more. It would be good to put those Elders on the spot who continually "rubberstamp" the outrageous expenditures. Make them feel uncomfortable. Make them squirm. Many of those ignorant Puds just feel important when they "motion" or "2nd the motion" to spend $1000s and $1000s of the R&F hard earned cash. You can be sure many of these deadbeats never put anything more than a $20 in the contribution box.
ASK YOUR ELDERS AT THE NEXT ASSEMBLY WHY IT COSTS DO DAMN MUCH!! Esp if your area has owned the Assm Hall for many years/decades.
I hope it goes without saying that everyone here has QUIT funding this insatiable, money fleecing beast!