The Hour Of Power
One Day assembly in Arizona- $17,000 !!
by AndDontCallMeShirley 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They are going to require congregations to make up these deficits, which I therefore expect to balloon. If the deficits can be passed to congregations, why not donate even more recklessly? As is, that 4.50 toilet papers per head resolution they were expected to pass is a waste. About 3 weeks ago, I bought a silver quarter for 4 toilet papers (along with a half dollar, a 1964 Kennedy in 90% silver, for another 8). If everyone who is going to donate for this bogus deficit instead put the money into silver coins, they might rely less on handouts when times really get tough.
And, I suppose when the dollar becomes toilet paper, the jokehovian leaders will expect the witlesses to continue as in the days when they had the funds. What happens when people cannot get gas at all because their currency is worthless? I bet the washtowel will still expect them to do field circus anyways and continue donating in non-existent silver and gold toward the Worldwide Damnation Fund. They are going to have to round up everything the witlesses chance to have by way of necessities to be redistributed--communism! Yet, most of that trouble could have been mitigated had people taken the time to take care of themselves first. Seems joke-hova is not willing to "invest" in its people by allowing them to keep enough to prepare themselves for hardships ahead. Yet, they are to trust that thing to provide when the hardships come--by confiscating provisions from those who disobeyed and prepared anyways.
Besides, I would like to see them try collecting donations in silver when currency is worthless. If no one has any investment silver because they were forced to waste their money donating to the Worldwide Damnation Fund when it had value, how are they going to get funds once silver and gold are all that's left? Of course, as their mission is to damn souls to poverty, that works perfectly.
Does anybody here ever try to get this sort of information out to the general public ?,via TV current affair shows , talk back shows on radio , who are always looking for scandals and cover ups etc.
How about national newspapers dealing with current affairs and issues that affect communitys , the inference that such large scale scams take place within a religion is surely one that they would love . Sensationalism is what sells TV.newspapers and radio ratings .
So why arent we hammering these avenues with a constant barrage of facts exposing this religion for what it is regardless of whether they initially listen to us or not , if we keep bombarding them with these facts sooner or later we will be heard.
I speculate this because if they announced a cost of $17,000, too many JWs would simply ask the school administrators what the real rent cost is and easily expose the scam WT pulls every assembly at its own facilities. WT has total control and zero transparency at its own ass halls..which is the way they like it.-ADCMS
Yes I speculate too, how much is cost, and how much is pure profit. SCAM.
Kate xx
creative accounting
when the assembly hall was paid off for many many years i always wondered what cost so much money. after all everything is voulentered no maintaianence costs or landscaping costs other than new mulch.
so the only cost is electricity, which these buildings are supposed to be super energy efficiiant. and water and sewer costs.
OK I just took a look at conference spaces in the Seattle area. I can get one in Shoreline (suburb a little north of Seattle) that will hold 600 people. It costs around $150-200 a day (weekends are at the top of that range) for a non-profit. There's a bigger venue in Bellevue, that can comfortably handle 3000 people. I can't find rates for that area, but I doubt it runs more than $2000 - 3000 a day.
JW APOLOGISTS!!!!! You are getting shafted.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff T: I can't find rates for that area, but I doubt it runs more than $2000 - 3000 a day.
Jeff, before the Ass Hall in Arizona was built, the circuits were renting high school auditoriums for $2,000-$3,000 per weekend. Attendance was usually in the 1200-1500 range. I'm sure your area is comparable.
Now JWs in Az. have to drive 90 minutes or more, instead of 15 minutes, to get the the AH, which is in the middle of nowhere between Tucson and Phoenix, and pay $17,000/day to rent their own mortgage-free building they paid $8 million+ to have.