900 Top Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Macro-Evolution

by Perry 128 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    "Belief is like a cancer, it should be fought head on, cut out and eliminated, lest it spread and consume more victims". - I just said that.

  • Caedes

    I still remain convinced that the parrot is the brains of the pair.

  • Witness My Fury
  • designs

    'The Crazy Making in Christianity' by Psychologists Marlene Winell and Valerie Tarico. How Christianity exacerbates mental health problems.

    'Christianity Can Be Hazadous To Your Health' by William Patterson. Survey of Chistianity's role in the destruction of the environment.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    MG: Lately, you are posting articles without any kind of backup or support for their claims. You are coming across like a dishonest person.

    It seems Perry has not distanced himself from WT mentality as far as he thinks he has...

  • designs

    Its gotten worse....

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    900 you say? Well that represents less than 1/50th of 1% of the worlds scientests. And, its not a decent from evolution. The majority of the people signing it think that there may be factors other than natural selection - such as genetic drift and gene flow that cause species to evolve.

    I recomend you look up Project Steve which is a list of scientists with the given name "Steve" or "Steven" who support evolution. With just that name alone there are already more than 1,200 signitories.

  • wannabefree

    Nobody KNOWS how life got started ... but once started, evidence shows how it progressed ... and that doesn't seem to fit the Bible account.

  • punkofnice

    So what? There's still a flat earth society.

  • Finkelstein

    If biological evolution didn't occur then why do we see species today with obvious signs of biological evolution in their appearance ?


    There's also factual evidence of humanity's ignorance of the world in which we live in, within are history, so one has to be careful in embracing

    the thoughts and ideological constructs of are ancestors.

    We can see an example of this in expressions of mythological beliefs such as in the bible.


    The other connecting issue with biological evolution is that the earth has its own geological evolution to be acknowledged.

    Right Perry.

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