900 Top Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Macro-Evolution

by Perry 128 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Lumsden realized the student’s questions had left him with a lot of doubt in his mind about the theory of evolution, a theory he had wholeheartedly embraced for many years.

    Perry -Please tell me what the questions were so I can answer them.

    I am serious. Find out what the specific questions were and I will answer them in detail.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I always say a scientist who makes a scientific fact, is pest- just ask his scienfific mind :-

    " if at first you don't succeed then try again....and then when you succeed try again"

  • Finkelstein

    The creator seems not to be a tinkerer as I. Newton supposed him to be.

    Well when you talk to him perhaps you can ask if the earth and all living things on it were created intentionally or by accident.

    We certainly cant ask all those religious leaders who say they mentally talk to him because we know thats trite bullshit

    expressively done to empower those self deluded men.


  • designs

    Its just the same old crap wrapped in a different package every few weeks- Baby Jesus, half God half human, from a teenage virgin is real, Pollution of the planet is an Atheist conspiracy to prevent the Second Coming....

  • Crazyguy

    I think these scientists maybe right. This planet may have been seeded by aliens or something then those creations slowly evolved.

  • Finkelstein

    Lets see what we now have, we've got a mountain high of information that supports that the earth and its living organisms have slowly evolved to the state which

    observably exists today .

    Or we have a few words written by ancient bronze age men who were abased in their own ignorance of the world they existed in themselves.

    Which in reality is the reason why there were so many imagined gods in the first place in that historical human era.

    ...... ummmm

    On a hunch I'll stick with mankind's acquired knowledge of the world today, rather than lets say the information from the ancient Hebrews of Judea.


    You know what if those men miraculously returned to the present day, they probably would too.

  • prologos

    Finkelstein, as a deiist I am just going by the evidence as i can read in Nature, new Scientist, S.A.. The "hand of god" comments of some researchers notwithstanding, we do not see the fleeting hand of divine intervention in the data.

    There is enough WOW in the "it- is- made" evidence/perception, to allow us to just wait and see for such answers without asking.

  • LP97

    Personally, I enjoy reading about recovering evolutionists far more than debating

    Do you not realise how flawed that line of thought is? You are no different from someone who decides to convert to JW because of those stupid experiences in the Awake where scientists become JWs, and because scientists = smart, JWism = smart! Rather than looking at the evidence from both sides (the Borg and ex-JWs).

  • prologos

    cofty, sorry if it sounded personal, but I believe narrowing a "well done" or quote from the redundent book "it was very good", does not mean that these catastropic events did not play an ACTIVE part in the evolution process.

    I thought it was a facile comparison, detracting from the certainty that ALL that is happening has to be considered possibilities that the Beginning event comprised.


    Personally, I enjoy reading about recovering evolutionists far more than debating: I found these: .....Perry

    What is a Recovering Evolutionist?!.....Do you consider Evolution a Drug or Disease?!..

    Should there be Evolution Anonymous groups?!......To keep people from slipping back into the Addiction of Demanding Proof for God and Creation?!..

    Should there be a Hospice,for People who are Near Death,because they Accept Evolution as a Fact?!!..


    I don`t have a Problem with People of Faith..

    I have a Problem with People who Pretend to Have Proof..

    Of whether "God Does or Does Not Exist" and "Provide None"..



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