How dare those disgusting gays get some of their own back after bring pilloried for centuries. I refuse to bow down and be silenced by those who are morally bankrupt and deviant. Martrydom here I come!
City of Houston Demands Pastors Turn Over Gay-Bashing Sermons
by cultBgone 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JeffT- It may well be a Free Speech Rights issue but I wonder how awful the rhetoric was in those sermons to attact the attention of the DA.
I am NO fan of anti-gay Christian churches. But for the government to demand that church pastors turn over their sermons for 'review' goes totally against our Constitution and Bill of Rights, in my opinion. We have such a thing as Freedom of Religion in this country. Churches have the absolute right to their beliefs, even if other people disagree. Nobody is FORCED to be a church member or to agree with everything the pastor says. What if a Southern Baptist-dominated city in Alabama decided to force a local Gay-friendly church to turn over it's sermons for approval?? That wouldn't be right, either. To me, what the City of Houston is trying to do is political-correctness run amok. By the way, I'm gay but I also support the Freedom of Religion as well as the Freedom FROM Religion! I might not agree with what a church says, but I strongly defend their right to express their beliefs without interference by the Government.
Does the Constitution give absolute rights ?
Yes, you have the right to bear arms, but how you use your guns is controlled by various laws. Same with beliefs, you can hold them, but use them to the detriment of others and you may find you do not have the right to do that.
I am not sure of your laws in the U.S.A, but here in the U.K we recognise that along with rights come responsibilities, and the exercise my rights must not take away rights from others, surely you have a similar balanced view of how society is best run ? or are you all Red-necks ?
Is anyone calling Muslims out for hate speech against homosexuals? No!!!
The liberals for some odd reason are defending the Muslim religion stand to hate homosexuals.
That's because Liberals care more about scoring political points than actual suffering and torture. Which is why Muslims can kill, torture, and behead homosexuals and you will hear hardly a peep from the left--but if some fundamentalist church happens to commit the atrocity of speaking out against gay marriage, they will have the full fury of the left upon them.
How does anyone define "anti-gay ". I could state that I have no wish to own a dog . I am not being anti-dog or telling others to not own dogs , or encouraging anyone to go dog bashing .
JG- Are you sure. Hate Speech is inciting to riot or harm others. Is that what these preachers were doing?
It is well known that the Bible is filled with hate speech, remember we're JWs here we know our Bible. The "Final Solution" against sinners is a feature of the teachings of Jesus. It doesn't take much for a preacher to cross the line and tell his flock to met out a little punishment Pre-the End.
Yellow Journalism anyone?
The facts of the case - and normal legal procedure -- don't support right-wing claims of religious persecution:
The Subpoenas Are In Response To A Lawsuit Filed By HERO's Opponents. The subpoenas are part of the discovery phase of a lawsuit filed by HERO's opponents after they unsuccessfully tried to gather signatures to repeal the ordinance. The lawsuit claims that the City Attorney "wrongly determined that they had not gathered enough valid signatures" to qualify for a vote to repeal HERO. As one conservative commentator noted: "This is basic court procedure. But the headlines make it sound like a surprise attack by leftists advancing their agenda on unsuspecting Christians."
Jan, I'm gay and don't want to own a dog or another gay! An interesting analogy - perhaps not a helpful one - but I think I know what you mean. Until we see otherwise, I kind of think those sermons would not be even-handed accounts that reflect "preferences" for how one lives one's life.
On a related note, the human penchant for martyrdom of sorts arises here. Pastors whip themselves into a determined frenzy which is not unlike the outrage shown by some gays and lesbians. When it comes to feelings of offense, we're all pretty much the same, even if on different sides of the fence.