Amazing how I consistently speak out against Westboro and now I'm said to support them, no wonder it's so hard to have good conversation
City of Houston Demands Pastors Turn Over Gay-Bashing Sermons
by cultBgone 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ravens - Telling the truth about God's view
Trouble is me ol' matey, God is TERRIBLE at communicating so he might have meant something else. Perhaps he said: 'I hate homogenous milk products.' Then it got lost in translation.
I feel sorry for poor old god...he really doesn't know how to get a clear and obvious message accross. Oddly enough, the person you talk to that disagrees with another xtian actually always has it right....amazing. God really is playing games..............or might not exist.
Anyway. I speak with a British accent so according to Hollywood culture, I must be the evil one here.
Punk lol, the bible is often taken out of context, ppl sometimes use proof text, and run with it. There are principles to understanding the bible
Punk ppl can also lie like zoos, who just said something about me that is zero percent true, and ppl can buy lies and it goes from there
Ravens - Punk lol, the bible is often taken out of context, ppl sometimes use proof text, and run with it. There are principles to understanding the bible
Well, me ol' duck. What I mean is....if the bible was really from god.....and....because he's able to do magic stuff......none of this you mention would happen.
Surely god would make his word so obvious that there would be no alternative views. I know I would....and I don't have magic powers.
God does make it clear, but ppl muddy the waters mate, and then blame jehovah for being confusion
I don't much get involved in theist discussioins out of respect and boredom. However, Zoos is using (I think) hyperbolic metaphors to describe what you come across as, which is an entrenched, right wing, Xtian fudamentalist. If you don't wish to be linked with such, I suggest a new strategy - opening your mind and heart and leaving behind the judgementalism associated with the bible and Xtianinity. I did two decades ago and I love life, myself and the world a thousand times more.
That's the point I think this OP is making. Lots of Xtians are getting tired of fundamentalism and judgmentalism, just as so many on this forum have. Bohm and Designs are correct; your views are short for the world. You can go kicking and screaming into oblivion or you can realize that the bible in no manner is inspired or our guidebook for living.
You are entitled to your beliefs, but marriage is primarily a civil and secular union. Trying to pass laws, maintain laws, or even judge those seeking a civil, secular privilege just because of their gender or persuasion is something that many of us wish you would keep to yourself or share within the confines of your own domecile or church. Bringing it out into the open makes it a target, rightly so, of ridicule.
Ravens - If only we lived near each other. We could meet up and have a real interesting natter over fish'n'chips.
I agree to disagree. God is magic and all powerful but communicates in the silliest way ever.
Djs, thanks for your comments, first off just because Westboro and myself agree that marriage is only between opposite sexes, does not mean that I agree with who and what they are. That's is a insult to the max, they are a disgrace, it's slander hands down. Secondly I never said anything about politics and laws of the land I only have talked about God's moral law.
Punk, heck yeah man, food beer and good conversation!