And so it begins... my thoughts exactly.
September 24, 2014 BOE
by wifibandit 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's so easy to explain that they needed to prepare a pre recorded explanation.
Are a lot of dubs questioning 1914? Or maybe the society sees the lack of urgency that's been going on for years. Whatever it is this seems like overkill.
Julia Orwell
So this tells me jws don't even know why they believe 1914 is significant. I can't say I could have explained it at a pinch. It never really came up at the doors anyway.
....publisher explains our belief about 1914
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Poor beggar!
Good point Julia. How often does 1914 actually come up? Could it be now that is the new marketing thing that more people are finding alternative sites and starting to ask about 1914?
Really, that date is so old. If my kids and their friends are any kind of example then 1914 might as well be 1514 or 1614.
How does a JW approach 1914?
JW: Some bloke called Chuck Tazers-a Rissole using occult pyramidology, measured a pyramid and said some stuff about 1914. We no likee occult so we polished the turd when the watchtower(R) got the dates for some wacky vision all cocked up and came to 607BCE. By some weird means and mixing up Gregorian calendars and stuff we arrive at 1914 when Jesus did some invisible stuff. We believe it because we will get shunned by our family if we don't obey the Holy, Holy, Holy Governing Body(R) who are overlappingly better than god.
(Audience applauses but weren't listening anyway)
Viva la Vida
They are afraid of JWs discussing 1914 while preparing the demonstration.
You have a group of three people trying to come up with some sense out of something that has no sense at all. They know this can backfire to them.
WT cleaver approach: "we do the demonstration for you, so you don’t have to think too much... isn't that lovely"
Well at least changing the format no one gets embarrased and people made to look not spiritually mature.