September 24, 2014 BOE
by wifibandit 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't know what that means, but it's funny!😁
Arguably, 1914 is the most important doctrine to JWs, yet, especially among those that have studied and been baptized in the last 10-15 years, they cannot explain it and have no desire to.
I'm not sure which is more important... the 1914 doctrine or the 144,000 doctrine. Take away 1914, a bunch of JWs leave, but a bunch more will stay. Changing the 144,000 doctrine, however, becomes a lot more personal. It's taking away everyone's panda petting zoo and all their personal desires of what they believe the "new system" will be like for themselves.
yadda yadda 2
Will this video explain how they connect 1914 to 1919? You would be lucky to find a single publisher in any typical congregation who could explain THAT!
Or how about this scenario built in to the demonstration:
Householder: "Ok. So if Jesus was enthroned as King in 1914 then his thousand year reign must have started then, right? (Rev 20:4)"
JW: "Umm, no. The thousand year reign doesn't start until after Armageddon."
Householder: "Huh? But if Jesus was made King in 1914 he must have sat on his throne and started ruling then?"
JW: "Errrmm, yes he did, but his thousand year reign is only when he effectively starts to reign over the whole earth?"
Householder: "Oh. So what has Jesus been reigning over since 1914?
JW: "Aaah...technically nothing really, except possibly JW's. He did boot Satan and the demons out of heaven a few years later though in 1918."
Householder: "What? So you're saying Jesus became King in 1914 and ruling since then but hasn't been reigning over anything but apparently your organisation? Where did Jesus say that?"
JW: " in Matthew 24:3. It says "What will be the sign of your presence and pf the conclusion of the system of things". You see, Jesus has been present as King since 1914 then all the wars, famines, earthquakes, etc, happened to prove it."
Householder: "My Bible says 'coming' not 'presence'. So does that mean Jesus came in 1914?
JW: "No, his second coming is in the future still, but he became present in 1914."
Householder: "Huh? How could Jesus be present unless he first comes? It's like saying I'm present in this house but I've never come into it?"
JW just stares blankly....
Householder: "And Matthew 24:3 doesn't say anything about his being king in 1914? Here in Matthew 25 it says Jesus sits on his glorious throne and separates the sheep and goats - so you must mean that happened in 1914 right?"
JW (squirming and feeling quite embarrassed now): "Errm, no, that is actually a future event that hasn't happened yet. Jesus sat on a different throne in 1914, a judgement throne."
Householder: "Look, this really does seem a bit queer to me and hardly convincing. Sorry it's been interesting chatting but I just don't think I'm interested, bye."
(JW walks off disconsolately scratching his head feeling like a bit of a dork.)
I'm not sure which is more important... the 1914 doctrine or the 144,000 doctrine. Take away 1914, a bunch of JWs leave, but a bunch more will stay. Changing the 144,000 doctrine, however, becomes a lot more personal
Take away 1914 and we're no longer in the last days (this "generation"), Jesus isn't ruling, and the WT wasn't chosen as god's spokeman (1914 is critical to establishing 1918/1919 in WT timeline).
Take away the 144,000 doctrine and most JWs don't give a damn...because they aren't going to heaven anyway. What do they care if one or 144,000 are going to heaven? 8 million JWs aren't in the club anyway so it doesn't matter.
Of course, all this is a moot point because WT made the same exact claims and attached as much importance to the year 1874.
We'll know for sure what is actually in this seven-minute video next week, but something tells me WT will still hang on to the date but present a nice song-and-dance that essentially minimizes it to a point of irrelevance. Why do I say this?? Do WT or JWs talk about 1874?
yadda yadda 2
Here's a nice Seventh Day Adventist video teaching aid:
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid!
YY2: Here's a nice Seventh Day Adventist video teaching aid:
String Theory is more understandable than SDA nonsense.
They should have at least said: "Our current beliefs in 1914."
Hi All,
Let's turn our bibles (NWT) to Appendex B...THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE...B1....About 1914 C.E. Jesus hurls the serpent Satan to the earth, confining him there for a short time...Rev. 12:7-9, 12....So right there, they could have said....Jesus became King...but NOOOOOOO know why, because they don't want to shoot themselves in the foot for future generations, when this bible will still be around(maybe). But they didn't dare put it in print, why, because, in time another NWT will come out. So they are going to tell it to us...not put it in writing...that way, they can say, You must have heard it wrong, we didn't say that...I work for corporate america, so you see it coming....even before the new or revised bible came out...I thought something was up..The world prepares you for the Hall...they use the same tactics.
I can't wait to see the video. I am sure it will be uploaded by an evil apostate within seconds of it's release.