Just like we all thought, they will start controlling the meetings directly from the branch. Leadership wants to make sure the main doctrines are presented with the right twist.
September 24, 2014 BOE
by wifibandit 59 Replies latest watchtower bible
What if I thought the demonstration was NOT particularly effective?
Then you cannot comment.
1914 + 100 years = Armageddon is NOT coming soon.
I think we are witnessing (haha) the wind up for the long speculated (on this forum) 2034 pitch. Ths BORG thrives on setting dates. That's about 20 years away...roughly the same span of time during which they hyped 1975.
I think this is huge that the demonstration is televised. I hope this continues to be a trend ;)
Witness My Fury
Viva la Viva nailed it:
They are afraid of JWs discussing 1914 while preparing the demonstration.
You have a group of three people trying to come up with some sense out of something that has no sense at all. They know this can backfire to them.
WT cleaver approach: "we do the demonstration for you, so you don’t have to think too much... isn't that lovely"
Still Totally ADD
My question is are there all of sudden householders asking about 1914 at the door or is this a way for the WT to stop the murmuring among the flock about 1914 and 100 years of nothing happening? All the years I was in I never had anyone ask me about 1914. Even the bible studies never really care about this subject. Just asking. Still Totally ADD
The hardest part about explaining how we come to 1914 is explaining why jehovahs witnesses use 607bce as the destruction of jerusalem when everybody else says it happened in 587
Its the Later. If they preach the 1914 BS to others, its help the members become more indoctrinated into it.
STADD: My question is are there all of sudden householders asking about 1914 at the door or is this a way for the WT to stop the murmuring among the flock about 1914 and 100 years of nothing happening?
No one at the door ever ask, "So what do JWs believe about 1914?" That never happens. Never.
So it follows that there must be another reason. I like your implied answer: it is WT Leadership damage control. They repeat the doctrine to reinforce the belief among the R&F pretending that it is to help them explain it in the ministry.
The average person is much more interested in Kim Kardashian's butt than they are about the obscure beliefs of a minority religion concerning a date that is ancient history in the minds of most people.
Let's review: It's a cult!
I agree that the WTBTS WANTS FULL CONTROL. I have heard many Elders Say that the sheep are immature and MUST be lead, prodded even. These idiot Eldubs are mini-GBs in that they truly believe they are in charge of YOUR salvation.
The sheeple are obviously too ignorant or complacent for the leaders. Perhaps more are waking up than we realize? They may not have walked out, but Cogdis shows itself in many ways. Lack of field service, contributions, ect. If you have a sheep on the edge, you don't want them researching ANYTHING.
These videos will also placate the fearful JWs who have Cogdis but want to believe they are right and have THE truth. I really think the WTBTS wants a core group of fearful wackos. These ones will not doubt anything the ORG says. They will have no problem accepting 2034.
2034 could be the next "shelved idea" that the GB loves! Also, they can drop 1914 if they want to. They can start by severely altering it's meaning. Then simply stop mentioning it while continuing to re-brand to JW.ORG. All the parties, flash mob singing, talent shows, the GB singing, JWTV, IC's, they are all distractions. 10 years from now the sheeple won't know or care about this subject. Just think about how often CTR is mentioned since 2012 by the average Dub??
Once 2034 comes and goes, they will have a new "idea"!! It really won't matter anyway. JWs are fearful people who can't handle the real world. Anything that alleviates that fear is embraced. Doctrine doesn't matter. Just think of any discussion that you have had with a dub. You respectfully counter everything while keeping them on track and at the end, what happens??
1) They say they wilł come back after doing some research....
2) They run for cover and retreat to the JW mantra, the BIG 3.
A) Only we use Gods name.
B) Only we preach the good news of Gods Kingdom.
C) Only we are practicing true Christian love for one another.
Those three assertions don't need a date because it's not about doctrine.