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by Witness 007 71 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cultBgone

    Group 2....omg

  • Tiktaalik

    Thanks for the updates 007 & Stuck.

    Vomitous stuff. I pity you guys having to endure this.

  • Quendi

    Yes, please keep the updates coming. I want to know just how retrograde the thinking in the b'Org is if for no other reason than to appreciate the freedom I now have and enjoy.


  • Hairyhegoat

    Attendants JW.org logo must see

    What a bunch of mongs!

  • bigmac

    gods kingdom----?

    someone with a sense of humour might want to re-arrange that to

    diGgs Kondom.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey hairyhegoat,

    how did you get a front row seat?

    yes, i can confirm that all the attendants are wearing high vis yellow vests with blue jw.org logos on them!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Steven Lett of governing body told of his grandfather playing a Rutherford record on the sidewalk in Texas when an angry Texan came out of his house and smashed the grammaphone andpunched his face!! Now why would he do that? Rutherford s tactful and loving talk "religion is a snare and a racket" inspired bySatan...thats why people thought it was commie propaganda.

  • stuckinarut2

    Ok...throwing this suggestion out there now:

    meet up

    Sunday 11:30 (during the boring public talk)

    main entrance gate 1, next to the "sydney" and "Tasmania" witnessing poster pictures.

  • Oubliette

    OK, even without the JW.ORG logo, those Hi-Vis vests are just stupid! It's not like they're directing traffic on a busy throughfare!

    I guess they need to be seen from space, ... by JEE-Hoover.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  • MrMonroe

    Photos on The Age iPad app today show boys who look like 15 and one who would be 13 at most all lining up to be baptised. How many of those will live to regret it? At that age you can barely figure out what job you're looking at let alone signing yourself up for life for a high-control cult.

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