Evidence Regarding the Evolution of Cetaceans - Whales etc

by cofty 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    Every piece of evidence in the video is a fact.-cofty

    Exactly my point. There was a perfect point that I found myself critically thinking the facts. But the video does not promote critical thinking, at the most common sense part of the video to promote it. I checked out the point from a number of sources and determined it was factual, this movement does not promote critical thinking as they claim, they have another more incidious agenda in my view. Don't insult my intelligence I have read the FB page, the agenda isn't hidden.

    Kate xx

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for posting the Vid. Cofty, most helpful for those who never really studied the subject. Many brought up as JW's virtually closed their ears in Science lessons that dealt with Evolution, I know I did, so we can now benefit from examining the matter with an open mind.

    Did you hear the news about the Sexy Scottish Fish reported in "Nature" this week ? Bet it makes you proud to be a Scot !

    The Scots not only invented the Kilt, and the Bagpipes, but enjoyable sex as well !

  • cofty

    Phizzy _ I did see that - we invented copulation as a means of sexual reproduction!

    Even better than tarmacadam and the telephone!

  • bemused

    Thanks Cofty - a very well put together video. It's good to be reminded just how overwhelming the evidence for evolution is.

    I can think of a few instances on the football field in my youth when it would have been useful if humans had followed a similar evolutionary path to whales and developed internal testicles!

  • Viviane

    I also saw this video posted on Bad Astronomy, haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but Phil Plait recommended it.


  • cofty

    That's the same video Viviane.

    It is an excellent introduction.

  • Viviane

    Ah, I am in a meeting haven't had a chance to watch either. Sorry for re-posting the same video.

  • Vidiot

    Coded Logic - "...rejection of evolution often stems from a fundamental lack of understanding how the Scientific Method and Peer Review works."

    Partly, but that's not the main reason.

    It's primarily about the events in the Eden narrative, which - if evolution is true - cannot be literal history.

  • cliff

    " Promoting the art of critical thinking by exposing people to the simple beauty of science.

    We create short animations using neutral language."

    Is their mission statement. The "Donations" tab on their website invites support for this.

    Maybe you see something I missed? Explain please

  • steve2

    The video and website are fine.

    Kate, there is no need to run down the hallway in the opposite direction exclaiming, "What's their agenda?"

    For god's sake, what's yours? what's mine? It's not unlike the question JWs - and elders especially - fire back at those who dare to ask questions about the organization, "What's your motive?" As if the answer to that question settles underlying doubt. It doesn't. It's an irrelevant question.

    Claims and counterclaims stand by themselves as worthy subjects of scrutiny - not the "character" of the individuals who make them.

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