Evidence Regarding the Evolution of Cetaceans - Whales etc

by cofty 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • runForever

    Cofty: thanks for your opinion.

  • cofty

    My opnion is of no consequence. All that matters is evidence and the evidence for the common ancestry of all living things is established beyond doubt.

    What books on evolution have you studied so far? I am guessing the honest answer is none at all. Would you like some suggstions for a reading list or do you prefer to avoid inconvenient facts?

  • cofty

    By the way this was not a rhetorical question...

    How else do you account for the small pelvis and leg bones that are buried deep in the blubber of whales?

  • poopsiecakes

    Thanks for that video, Cofty - super interesting! It's easy to watch, has compelling graphics and an easy presentation without getting too technical. Winner!

    I've come to the conclusion that people who reject evolution do so because they have no true concept of time outside of their own personal experience of time. So if they haven't seen evolution in the 20, 30, 40 or so years since they've been introduced to the theory, it can't be true. Just a pet hypothosis of mine.

  • LV101

    Great video, Cofty - thanks. You make science FUN! If I'd only force myself/make time to read the books I've ordered off your lists.

  • runForever

    Evolution and Jehovah's witnesses are just extensions of freemasonry aka ancient philosophie from greek. Let's compare:

    Devil says: you can become like God.

    Evolution says: you keep getting better and better. Except now it's transhumanism which basically says humans can become like gods. Very similar.

    Erasmus Darwin was a freemason naturalist and came up with the modern idea of evolution. Grandfather of Charles Darwin. Josia Wedgewood

    fellow member of the lunar society with Erasmus and likely another freemason also grandfather of Charles Darwin.

    It all comes from freemasonry. Same lie.

  • TheStumbler

    @runforver, when you put it like that it is so obvious. Wake up people!

  • Caedes

    Evolution says: you keep getting better and better. Except now it's transhumanism which basically says humans can become like gods. Very similar.

    Evolution says nothing of the sort, if you wish to have an opinion on this subject it's best to find out what the other side is actually talking about otherwise you just make yourself look like an uneducated twit.

  • konceptual99

    Evolution does not say you keep getting better and better. We are not more intelligent than we were 500 years ago. We are not naturally more healthy. Our technological accomplishments and longevity are products of a better understanding of the world around us through scientific advancement.

    One facet of evolution does predict that organisims that are better suited to the environment they live in are more likely to dominate over time but that is not guarenteed. That is not the same as saying we will all keep getting better and better.

  • cofty

    Thank you Caedes & Conceptual.

    The most succesful organisms on the planet are single celled.

    It is a common fallacy that evolution is about getting "better". It is clear that runforever prefers to wallow in willful ignorance and conspiracy fantasies.

    It's a shame because reality is so amazing.

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