Evidence Regarding the Evolution of Cetaceans - Whales etc

by cofty 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheOldHippie

    "comparative anatomy, embryology" - don't mean a shit when it comes to evolution. Similar anatomy - but different evolutionary history. Embryology - a la Haeckel - fake.

  • cofty

    That's because you haven't studied the evidence oldhippy.

    Comparative anatomy and embryology is very powerful.

    Mentioning Haeckel shows how ignorant you are of the topic. Is there anything specific you would like us to explain?

  • Bugbear

    It is a sad thing that we in the year of 2014 still have to educate people the very basic in modern science. Are the average human beeing dumb?


  • cofty
  • cofty
  • konceptual99

    Excellent video. I also looked at the website and facebook page. I have not seen anything that suggests some kind of agenda other than the presentation of key facts in a straight-forward manner. I don't see any intellectual dishonesty which is far from the case when considering the literature of the WTS regarding their interpretation of the development of life.

  • runForever

    I know I don't even have to watch the video. A fish turned into a deer then that jumped back in the ocean and ballooned into a whale. It's amazing how a deer can just metamorphisize like that. That's what jerry coyne believes anyway.

  • cofty

    runforever refuses to look at the evidence but insists on having an opinion regardless.

    This is called willful ignorance.

  • KateWild

    Kate, there is no need to run down the hallway in the opposite direction exclaiming, "What's their agenda?"-Steve2

    hahaha lol, perhaps I am being too critical. I suppose it just gets my back up that they have to use "evidence for evolution" for a title. It's not real evidence for all of evolution it's just the evolution of whales. I am not saying there is anything wrong with the facts either. So perhaps I am being overly critical due to my WT past and not wanting to be duped again possibly.

    Kate xx

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    It's primarily about the events in the Eden narrative, which - if evolution is true - cannot be literal history.


    I stand corrected.

    Claims and counterclaims stand by themselves as worthy subjects of scrutiny - not the "character" of the individuals who make them.

    - Steve2

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