a young 14 year old girl was disfellowshipped in my former congregation last week

by alexandre 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • KateWild

    There are two big problems here that are seperate.

    1. Consensual child porn. This is a big problem like FHN quite rightly states. School children are experimenting with sex and with access to video phones they are recording everything and sending eacother inappropriate pictures. This needs to be adressed in schools just like drugs or bullying. I am sure some schools would have already had an assembly or two about it.

    2. Child dfing. This is also a big problem, a childs whole fututre can be shaped by shunning and isolation. This punisment will not bring any rich rewards, all teenagers need there trusted friends and family more than ever or they will seek friendship with inappropriate people wanting to take advantage of them.

    Thans for the info. this was a sad story to read.

    Kate xx

  • jhine

    I would hope that any responsible church would see that this young lady had "issues " and needed help . How does it help her to cast her out and make her feel worse about herself ? Also I would want to know how she managed to actually become involved in such conduct . When my kids were that age we did not stop them having fun , playing sport etc but we knew where they were and who with .That is part of being a responsible parent . Were the parents of this young lady given advice too ?


  • bigmac

    and they the elders were apoligising to him as he wasnt old enough to be DF.

    this is a very pertinant point. how on earth can a child of that age be d'f ?? they should not be allowed to be baptised as a child. come on watchtower---get your act together.

  • punkofnice

    Her involvement in porn at that age is lamentable.

    The issue of a cult getting her judged and shunned is another thing all together. Also lementable.

    I do not approve of either.

  • Nostromo

    With all the webcams and smartphones it is so easy to make one stupid mistake when you are young and then it's all over the net and stays there forever. It's the rotten, dark side of the internet. She needs help and support, not shunning. Some teenagers have killed themselves because something like this. Don't the elders know that??

  • TheOldHippie

    "a 14 yr old has no buisness being baptized to begn with"

    Neither has a two months old ....................

  • cultBgone

    I think the most important question is...who was watching it that they knew it was true, and did the eldubs watch it to just to be sure? If they did, shame on them and df them for watching it.

    This whole thing is totally disturbing. FlyingHighNow is so right, the adults of the marketing world are leading kids to make poor life choices thinking they will gain approval, when in fact they are left with guilt and bad memories.

    This girl and her friends need adults in their lives who care enough to raise and counsel them well.

  • konceptual99

    It is clear to me that the facts of the case are not available to any of us. We have no idea of the circumstances so it adds little to speculate over what the elders may or may not have seen, the nature and context of the videos or what involvement the secular authorities may have.

    I agree with the comments on what on earth is a young girl doing gettting baptised but they are. I would like to think that the elders held off any JC until the girl had been supported and counselled by the relevant authorities however would I bet on it? Not on your life.

    It might be possible for a Witness to try provide some mitigation for the elders around "repeated offences" or a manifestation of "godly repentance" but the reality is that the elders should be advised to back off and let the authorities do their work. The reality is however that they feel they have to do something and so wade in with their size 11s...

  • jhine

    The difference with a two month old being baptised or christened into a church is that the baptism is in no way binding the child to the religion . If the child later decides to not go to church or question what they are taught they are not cast out and ignored by the rest of the congregation . Lots of people who have been baptised as babies never go to church unless they go to weddings etc or want to get married themselves in church . However church goers do not ignore them in the street or act like they do not exist . Churches that practise child baptism or christening then have a service of confirmation at which the person decides to confirm their faith if they wish at a later date . Even that in no way gives the church control over that person's life .

    The JW practise of baptism gives the org. total control over the life of that baptised youngster and they can then ruin that life if they so wish .


  • Mary

    So a 14 year old is involved in 'kiddie porn' which is probably splashed all over the internet by now and which means probably every male in her congregation has viewed it or at least actively searching for it (purely for scriptural reasons though!) And the answer for the elders is to DF her instead of trying to get her counselling? Gee, why am I not surprised?

    Too bad they didn't go after pedophiles in the congregation with the same gusto and enthusiasm that they do a 14 year old girl........

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