Please call Social Services and the police. This girl is a victim of emotional abuse and possibly physical abuse. Explain to social services what disfellowshipping is and if the elders watched the video.
a young 14 year old girl was disfellowshipped in my former congregation last week
by alexandre 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
@ Listener
" Shame on those elders. By disfellowshipping her they are saying she is not repentant."
Repentance has nothing to do with not being disfellowshipped. Its all about how many know about the sin. If the general public knows about it then it is an automatic disfellowship. If only a few in the congregation know, the sinner has connections in the congregation, and APPEARS to be in good standing they can literally get away with murder.
Recently a single pioneer/elder was screwing a single pioneer sister and it was swept under the carpet. They both kept their position in the congregation.
It is not a surprise that young jehovahs witnesses are aware of pornography. It is in the watchtower every other week it seems. Little kids being exposed to adult topics at the kingdom hall.
I also do hope for the sake of this young teenager that she is able to get the real help she needs.