a young 14 year old girl was disfellowshipped in my former congregation last week

by alexandre 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    Wait, what?

    "Porn video" and "14 years old" adds up to "criminal activity".

    The 14 year old is the victim of a crime - whoever was making those videos ought to go to prison for a long, long time.

    The girl needs massive amounts of counseling and support from her family - not disfellowshipping.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I remember many years ago a person who was a expert on child growth said when children enter puberty the rush of hormones makes children in many ways mentally ill. In other words their reasoning power is distorted. In fact they now know a human brain does not stop growing until your mid 20's. With that in mind for me this is another reason children should not get baptized in this cult because of the way this cult treats disfellowshiped ones. At a time this young lady needs real help and support from everyone she will forever be hurt and harmed by this cult's action. I am not condoning what she did but kicking her out congregation is not the answer. I am sure the legal dept. from the Wt. had it's hand in it some how or another. Very, very, very SAD. Still Totally ADD

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    The 14 year old is the victim of a crime - whoever was making those videos ought to go to prison for a long, long time.

    And if it was the girl making the videos? Or a same age boy? We are going to send young teenagers to PRISON 'for a long, long time' where they all but certainly will be raped/sexually victimized?

    How about we talk about the batshit insanity of parents giving internet enabled HD cams in the form of a phone to their kids at this age? 30-40% (depending on the study, the number keeps going up) of underage teens are producing naked pictures of themselves and sending them. We are going to jail a third of the kids in this country?

  • JeffT

    Sir82 got it right. This is a crime. The girl needs professional counseling and anybody else involved needs investigating. Shunning is the least responsible thing the elders could do.

    First question the cops and counselors are going to want answered is: is she the victim of prior abuse by an adult? It is not uncommon for abused children to act out in very inappropriate ways, because that's what they've been taught to do.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Along with Still Totally ADD, I'll ad that it's is proven that the front part of your brain, the part that governs decision making, is not fully developed until you are at least 25. When this was discovered, here in the USA, the age at which a person can receive the death penality has been raised.

    Along with Jhine, christening babies or young children is not equal to JW baptism. It is not for the same purpose at all. And the children have to make the decision, after months or a year of preparation, to be confirmed into a church. Nearly all churches do not practice shunning. When my grandson decided he was an atheist, the Episcopal Church still welcomed him with open arms. He went along on their trips to Ohio to ride the roller coasters. He went along with the youth group on mission trips, which involved reparing the homes of the elderly and the poor. He also volunteered to cook for and feed the homeless on Sunday mornings. He went to the weekly dinner and meetings for his youth group and was treated as he always had been. To this day he has all kinds of friends from the church on his facebook. They do not unfriend him when he posts about anarchy or atheism. He knows they love him. He loves them, too.

  • steve2

    FlyingHighNow, well said! From a neurobiological view alone, it is unconscionable that the organization "allows" children to be baptized. All else is irrelevant detail.

    Regarding this child's disfellowshipped status (itself an act of abuse), there is admittedly not much at hand for us to be absolutely sure about what happened. There is bound to be a 'hush-hush-let's-speculate-about-it' in her home town congregation. Yet I am genuniely disturbed that, if this child's details weren't already plastered all over universal porn sites, this forum is kind of inadvertently providing another avenue to invade this child's putative privacy. A conundrum, if ever there was one.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yet I am genuniely disturbed that, if this child's details weren't already plastered all over universal porn sites, this forum is kind of inadvertently providing another avenue to invade this child's putative privacy. A conundrum, if ever there was one.

    At least here, the young lady is anonymous. And most of the posts have been in her favor.

    I'm not assuming any details. For all we know she went to the elders about it, on her own. It's possible her parents found it on her phone or on their computer and took it to the elders, out of misguided allegience to the org. I know people who have found pictures on the computer from their teenaged kids, involving boy or girlfriends and have panicked because it is illegal for the kids themselves to have the pictures or give the pictures or videos. Then there it is on the parent's computer or the child's phone, child pornography. I think most parents would just delete the pictures and talk with the kids about it. If it is already public though, then the horses are out of the barn, doesn't help to close the door.

    Then it could have been a local scandal. I was listening to NPR this weekend about the scandal in one town where some guys made a page to upload Instagram pornographic pictures of unsuspecting people. The authorities began to investigate this and found the practice of sharing nude photos to be widespread in the town. Now the focus is on finding the people who put the page up with the naked pictures and prosecuting them, rather than the teenagers whose pictures were posted. It was pointed out that a few of the girls knew their pictures would be posted.

  • Nostromo

    ""Porn video" and "14 years old" adds up to "criminal activity".
    The 14 year old is the victim of a crime - whoever was making those videos ought to go to prison for a long, long time."

    The problem is that that this whoever might well have been some of her 14-year-old friends or even herself. Often teenagers make these videos or take pictures when they are drunk and therefore do stupid things; they regret what they did afterwards but it's too late then and the material is all over the net if they sent them to their friends. This phenomena is such a mess caused by the entertainment industry which is all about sex sex sex and pop stars who act like porn stars and are awful role models to teenagers.

    A good point j dubb, prisons would be full of teenagers who do this.

  • Terry

    The congregation has two choices.

    1. Do everything within their power to nurture, restore, cherish and return the young girl to the fold and the embrace of Christ's loving arms

    2. Cut her loose and good riddance

    The course they took says more about their shepherding ethic than about the young girl.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The course they took says more about their shepherding ethic than about the young girl.

    Again, as we have all sadly learned, their concern is only what they look like to the outside world. They do not care how unloving they come across to this girl, her family or the congregation.

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