Along with Still Totally ADD, I'll ad that it's is proven that the front part of your brain, the part that governs decision making, is not fully developed until you are at least 25. When this was discovered, here in the USA, the age at which a person can receive the death penality has been raised.
Along with Jhine, christening babies or young children is not equal to JW baptism. It is not for the same purpose at all. And the children have to make the decision, after months or a year of preparation, to be confirmed into a church. Nearly all churches do not practice shunning. When my grandson decided he was an atheist, the Episcopal Church still welcomed him with open arms. He went along on their trips to Ohio to ride the roller coasters. He went along with the youth group on mission trips, which involved reparing the homes of the elderly and the poor. He also volunteered to cook for and feed the homeless on Sunday mornings. He went to the weekly dinner and meetings for his youth group and was treated as he always had been. To this day he has all kinds of friends from the church on his facebook. They do not unfriend him when he posts about anarchy or atheism. He knows they love him. He loves them, too.