Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people who don't practice war and who preach worldwide!

by EndofMysteries 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    This is what somebody has been telling me, trying to convince me aside from anything one can say or cause reason for doubt, as the evidence that they are the true religion and true people of God. They are convinced because while 'all other' christian and other religions support war, troops, etc, JW's don't and they are the only one's who carry God's name and preach. Nothing else matters.

    What would be your reply to that?

    Have a list of other religions that don't go to war, or who also preach, etc?

    Or what would you say?

  • prologos

    There are other religions that consistently oppose all wars, (Jehovah's witnesses are not anti-war bsw) and the preaching "work" of The WT is seriously tainted by WT doctrine fashionable at the time.

    1818-1925: The world has ended, Millions now living will never die. THAT WAS THE MESSAGE. advertised, preached personally and on billboards.

    1969-1975: paradise within a decade, That was the private and official message of the JWs.

    now: the ORG.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi EndofMysteries, "Jehovah's Witnesses are the only people who don't practice war and who preach worldwide!" is the most difficult thought-stopping platitude to overcome because a JW's cult persona believes that nothing else is relevant. Trying to disprove that thought-stopping platitude to a JW in cult mode is a fruitless endeavor. You need to ask JWs simple questions to hopefully empower their authentic persona to overcome their cult persona.

    If a JW is trying to convince you that the Watchtower has the "Truth", by telling you that phrase, then ask, "What if I value critically thinking for myself more than preaching worldwide that the Watchtower has the "Truth"? What if I believe that the Watchtower is only a printing, distribution, and real estate holding corporation? Are you willing to confront your fears that I'm right by independently researching the Watchtower as much as you would research which new car to buy?"

    If a JW is afraid of being labeled as an apostate, then the preceeding questions can be rephrased to appear like you are asking for help from another JW to provide an answer to a prospective "bible student" (recruit).

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • smiddy

    Its obvious that person doesnt get out much., and I guess when JW`s are confronted with things they dont want to hear they block it out of their minds.

    Look for the song on u-tube "Jehovah Is He "performed by a number of christian denominations around the world.

    Also on u-tube the US Marines in a" service" singing about jehovah ( on another thread here )

    A catholic monk invented the name jehovah in the 13th century and has been used in catholism ever since The Douay version of the bible mentions it once.

    The knox version of the catholic bible uses the more correct name of God Yahweh throughout the hebrew scriptures /Old Testament

    Many churches of christendom have the name Jehovah inscribed on their buildings , I presonally know of one in Fortitude Valley Brisbane Qld.Aust.

    One of the crime series on tv featured a building called" Jehovah House"

    And one of the military operations in WW2 by the United States Army was code-named Jehovah.

    How in the world is their something like 2 Billion christians in the world if they never preach.

    Their are a number of religions who dont go to war , some do alternative service , many are coscientious objectors , of course JW`s dont want to investigate that do they because its a pin in their bubble that they are exlusive to these doctrines ,they alone adhere them.

    This person and many others like him/her need to take their head out of the sand and do their own research APART from the watchtower literature that is obviously blinding them from seeing facts and preventing them from USING THEIR OWN BRAIN and making their own decisions , and not being puppets

    of a group of old men in brooklyn who are out of touch with reality.


  • bobld

    I don't belief in war but why do we have police?

  • kaik

    Of course JWs do not practice war, they believe that mighty Jesus and his legion will engage with humanity at the battle of Armageddon which will litter entire world with rotting human bodies serving as a food to the birds.

  • clarity

    They don't go to war ....maybe they are chicken!


    Did you read about Cornelious (sp) he was in the

    military ........he was not condemned for it, or told

    to stop!


  • SonoftheTrinity

    Bahais go door to door and discourage (but don't forbid) military service.


    That's one of many things that pisses me off about JWs. NOTHING they say is the result of critical thinking or individual thought. Everything is a pre-fabricated phrase dictated by the Watchtower. And drone-like JWs parrot these phrases instead of thinking for themselves. My answer to these thought-stopping platitudes is: 'OK, Tell me JUST ONE THING where you disagree with the Watchtower's position on an issue.' They will not answer because they are programmed to NEVER disagree with the Watchtower Party Line. Under penalty of getting DFed. Try asking this the next time a JW gives you a line of BS. It will be fun to watch their deer-in-the-headlights reaction.

  • Atlantis

    C. G. Taylor, a devout Jehovah's Witness, and his wife also a Jehovah's Witness, hired other JWs to work in their factories. What did they make? Go here:

    Taylor owned several factories making weapons of mass destruction which assisted all branches of the military, and many of his employees were JWs.


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