Visiting her "lost son" and this morning she says there was demonic "knocking" on the windows and ceiling and she did not sleep. My wife has her own buisness and works late so her holiness asked me to drive down to see if she was fornicating with anyone....she thinks two worldly people taking an elevator to the 10 floor would have had sex by the 5th floor....Thats the quality of anionted alive today...she is not nuts a well respected pioneer nazi....
My anointed mother sleep over!! She hears demon creaking at night and my wife cheats on me!
by Witness 007 40 Replies latest jw friends
Poor old things like her are to be pitied. They are so brainwashed that their rational thought processes have long departed. At this point there is no 'waking up' those types. Best to just humor them and give them a nice cup of tea to calm them down.
They are among the most superstitious people on earth.
Do you think perhaps she needs to see a doctor, it sounds like her mind is failing her. Quite sad really. Kate xx
Witness 007
If she is going to rule over us we are doomed....the bitter paranoid judgemental old gal. I just put on youtube Witness conventions to calm her down. I took her to the international Convention on weekend so we are getting along well...except for my demons in the attic getting rowdy!
Witness 007
The thing is her mind is sharp as a 50 year old....she just is a fanatical 100% Witness always has been.....that may sound crazy to you but she would just Witness to the doctor showing him scriptures about demons!! TRUE BELIEVER!!
they dont need to be annointed !! you could be describing my late mum exactly. my late teenage courting days were a nightmare----that was 50 years ago. my dub wife's mother was 10 times worse-----i'm sure she would have eaten a ruther-turd sandwich.
Witness My Fury
All the "annointed" i have met (not many i grant you) have been just a little bit off, claiming special insight and knowledge and generally making shit up as they went along.
How often do you see her?
I can only take about an hour of my mom when she visits once every 3 or 4 years.
I believe the cult has a lot to do with the problems in my dysfunctional family.