My mother thought she saw naked black men when I gave her a travelling gift from the Caribbean. She wanted me to take the gift back and burn it. We took it back and didn't see such naked men. I was hoping for naked women. Oh well, another dissapointment. She was angry that we didn't burn it, and kept warning us about it.
My anointed mother sleep over!! She hears demon creaking at night and my wife cheats on me!
by Witness 007 40 Replies latest jw friends
007 I can appreciate your situation and hope that it eases up. I do want to thank all who posted for a reminder of the stupid things we lived through. ARe we not glad that we can laugh about them now. I remember just after I ahd gotten my glasses and depending on how the outside lights would shine on the lenses I could see my own eye reflectred in the lens; needless to say with my JW upbringing I was sure a demon was right there in my glasses. What a fool I was.
Honesty - "I believe the cult has a lot to do with the problems in my dysfunctional family."
I think a pretty strong case could be made that the WTS is itself a dysfunctional family.
That hilarious !!!! Your mom was interested in naked black men! She thought about naked black men until she saw naked black men demons. Did they try to have their way with her? Do naked black demons have incredibly long man parts? lol
Never asked my mother those questions , Como. It didn't work for us, so maby there was a shelf life thing on it.
works late so her holiness asked me to drive down to see if she was fornicating with anyone
I think I would have burst out laughing when she said that.
Isn't there doctrine about imputing wrong motives?
BOC, please tell me this is not a recent story!?!
I remember when I was much younger babysitting a little witness kid, I think he was around 4 or 5. Like an idiot without thinking, I let him watch Wonder Woman not thinking anything of it at all or maybe that he would like it. After it was over, he ran to the bedroom. When I went to check on him I found him sobbing hysterically and praying to Jehovah to protect him from Satan and the demons. He was really terrified! It took a long time to calm him down. Of course, that was the first thing he told his parents about when they picked him up. Not a good scene and they never talked to me again. I couldn't help thinking what his life at home must be like.
Anytime anyone ever talked about being affected by demons, I never looked at them the same way again. They lost all credibility in my eyes. I know for a fact JW's are nuts. I never saw or heard or felt anything that could be construed as demon activity and if they are real then I would have definitely been possesed by the devil himself with the things I have done.
One ignorant fool of a sister said that if you are being harrassed by deemunz - as she told her daughters (all of them nymphos who seduced each others husbands and father in laws) - switch on the electric light (demons are afraid of it) and shout Jehovah repeatedly.
Old age has its varieties of eccentricities - ask anyone who has worked as a health care provider of the elderly. It likely matters little what premorbid health has been.