I was born-in so I never had a normal to compare the Witnesses. Converts report that they are lied to by the Witnesses. There are too many reports of the same lack of basic information concerning doctrine for me to believe that the reports are due to misunderstanding. They want bodies knocking on doors. It is often hard to voice concerns once you are in a dangerous cult or New Religious Movement. Be glad that you left.
My Relief
by Smart 59 Replies latest watchtower medical
Welcome Smart.
I havent left yet. I haven't been to a single meeting since I wrote at the start of this thread. The elders and brothers and sisters are all texting and phoning me and inviting me to dinner, play football, come to the meetings and sheparding visits. I am probably going to go to the meeting tomorrow night.
I have still got alot to say on here to you all.
I am in a messed up situation. There's a girl who likes me, a young sister. We have been secretly dating behind her parents back because they don't think I'm good enough for her! Her Dad an elder basically shot me down saying he doesn't want me to date her. It's because I'm not pioneering and because I have only been baptised for about 2 years. He went on my facebook page and started looking at things I wrote, pictures and stuff I did 5 years ago before I studied and showed her it all. She told me this. She was upset. Can't believe him. No faith in me at all. That really punched my heart and I am really upset by it.
I just want to leave the org for many reasons now. I don't know what I'm going to do (job wise) if that happens or how I am going to tell this girl. Her dad will only justify his scrutiny when this happens anyway so I will look bad what ever happens. I am really really upset.
Anyway worse still is that she thinks I am in good standing in my own congregation. She is in a different congregation not far away and she doesn't know that I haven't been to a meeting for weeks and that the elders are all chasing after me.
What a stupid situation I'm stuck in.
I'm actually laughing now at how stupid this is, yet how upset I am.
Hello and welcome. I am glad you found jwfacts and this site to help you learn TTATT (the truth about "the Truth.")
I am going to drop a thought here that you might object to, but really consider it.No matter how you feel about this girl, she is a JW and has no indication of changing. You seem to have family in the JW's. You can just walk away. Just walk away. Tell the girl how you feel and if she doesn't want to learn more, let her walk away from you.
You are young and have family outside of the JW's. Whatever friends and loves you have within the JW's, if they shun you, you don't need them. If the girl wants to learn more about your problems with Watchtower, you may help her out. But don't count on it, and don't marry her unless you are sure she has left the religion for good.
Many reject such advice for various reasons. But really consider it. Just walk away.
Hello there Smart........and you are indeed smart to
catch on to the BS so early!
I wasted many years of my life slaving for this
evil cult!
Slow down a bit and get your mind clear ... and plan
your next steps.
If you think all those jw's in your congregation are
your friends ....... hold onto your hat ....they are not!
When coming into the watchtower religion, we are
commanded to 'love' one another ............and
when it is suspected that you are 'weak' or have your
name announced from the platform ....in a blink of an
eye you will be 'hated' ........that too is commanded!
Those who were your 'closest friends' will not even
look at you!
So plan accordingly. Research the history. Research
the Governing Body!!!! There is plenty of information
& fact right here on jwn. Look at jwstruggle, jwfacts
lots to dig into.
As far as the daughter of the elder ...tread carefully,
she is probably more conflicted than what you are
feeling right now!
I wish you all the best young man, enjoy the life
that your parents gave you ......right NOW. Don't
slave for watchtower so you can have their "paradise"
WTBS is nothing but a business ...looking for money
& power!
You would enjoy watching kim mikey - utube
they really expose wt and have a lot of laughs
give it a try!
Wow!!! Now I am truly free!!!!!!! I just been reading vinny's thread proving how taking blood to save a life is actually not a bad thing at all. There is no way I am ever going back to the kingdom hall ever again.
My mum is over the moon about that because she always thought I was being brainwashed. So we just had a big hug and she is very happy.
I am going to have to ditch her aren't I. I told her now yesterday that I havent been to the meetings in weeks but she not reallly bothered by it and still loves me. She is really sweet actually!
Hi and welcome, another Brit here, you made a wonderful decision and thank god you was out within 2 years, imagine the waste if you'd have stayed in for decades.