she loves you? do you love her? how long have you been seeing each other?
hmm that can be tricky. how old are you two? dont answer. lol.
would it be right for me to assume that if ANY person with good moral upbringing, not just a jw, that were to take an intrest in you and helped you overcome your problems with your youth [drugs or whatever] you would have chosen to leave all that nonsense behind?
what specifically do you feel, made you choose to clean up your life? its a retorical question, something to think about. was it for yourself or for someone else? dont regret at least that one good outcome, you raised yoyr standards.
well, perhaps you need to have a calm private conversation with her about why you feel the jw faith is not the truth, express some questions that she too may wonder about, simple ones, like
do you think its right to tell people who to marry? [ only in the lord doesnt mean only a jw].
you cant get DF for marrying someone who is not a jw, or someone 'inactive' , you get df for having sex before marraige. at least where i came from anyway.
or, ask her, do you think its right to judge people just becasue they have a different view of scripture? hpw does she feel about this past zone visit nonsense?
once you can get a feel for where her mindset is, maybe you can gently
show her a few subjects on jw facts info, and without forcing her to make any choices, tell her that you honor her feelings and want her to make a truly inforemd choice. ths is your life, use your brain .
when you get involved with someone, you also marry thier family.
oh yes, you do.
good luck