Welcome Horseygirl12 and ((HUGS)), You have a lot of issues to resolve: thinking about suicide, dependent on your parents for support, being a teenager, not wanting to be a JW, etc. Suicide is irreversible, so talk to a professional counselor as soon as possible. Search the internet now for crisis phone numbers that you can call now for help before you are too depressed. Everything else is reversible and you can change your life after your parents no longer support you.
Start making plans now how to become more self-sufficient from your parents. Go to a local school and ask to talk with a guidance counselor. If the guidance counselor doubts your story, ask him to visit Steven Hassan's website www.freeedomofmind.com. There is lots of good information on Steven Hassan's website that should help the counselor to better undertand your situation.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,