My neighbor told me she had been talking about me recently. "I was saying to Carrie in the office I just don't see how anyone can deny the existence of a higher power." Her example? She needed some q-tips, and found a box of them on the free table by the office. "It happens to me all the time. When I need something, it appears. It's because there IS a higher power."
I couldn't let it go, folks. Sorry. I said, "I want you to think seriously about your higher power. What kind of higher power would make sure you get q-tips when you want them, but will also let 10 million people in India starve to death?"
She got angry and said it wasn't her job. Then went off into a rant on how could she be useful to others if she wasn't surrounded by light and love? Arghh.
She was taking it personally, and, frankly, that was how I meant it. I wasn't really criticizing her higher power, because there is no such thing. I was asking her to think critically about her beliefs. Just made her mad. She changed the subject, and that was as far as it went.