wow, shaking my head

by Hortensia 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    People do not like to have their superstitions challenged, They use them like a security blanket to feel comfortable.

    I have to grit my teeth when people say things like....

    "Everything happens for a reason" Right. What was the reason ffor the holocaust?

    "God must have wanted him up in heaven" Really? What a selfish God.

    "God must have been looking out for me" Then he must hate my neighbor that was in an accident last week.

    "God never gives us more than we can bear". So God knows exactly how much to torture us? How strange.

  • Crazyguy

    A nieghbor of mine threw out her back and blamed is on Satan.

  • Hortensia

    Y'all are so funny! It is a crazy delusion, or incredibly selfish. I've never before lived somewhere where so many people believe in magic! Of course, they don't call it magic, they have all sorts of other high-sounding names for what they believe, but it's belief in magic just the same.

    Saw my neighbor again in the hallway a few minutes ago. She said that a bunch of folks are going to see a movie about Yogananda tonight. Said she'd invite me, but she 'knows how I am.' Another woman today asked me for an opinion about a vision she has been having when she prays. I didn't say, "it's called dreaming, honey, you went to sleep." I said I'm an atheist, so not much help in the spiritual department. Someone else nearby said, "oh dear, please at least say you are a humanist! It sounds so much better than atheist."

    Eye rolling moments.

  • Simon

    God: Wait ... halt everything

    Universe: WTF for?

    God: Tracy needs some QTips

    Universe: Oh man, I was working on a new galaxy, you made me lose my place and everything

    God: Erm, do you have any idea just how important Tracy is?

    Universe: No, tell me? More than the millions of children that die of starvation each year?

    God: Hey, don't get antsy with me, I can wipe you out and start again y'know?!

    Universe: Yeahy, with you and who's army?!

    God: My SONs !!

    Universe: What, the free-love hippy one?

    God: Erm, yeah - you have a point

    Universe: Why not kill Tracy instead?

    God: What?!

    Universe: Do that whole sacrifice thing to save millions with one person !

    God: It doesn't quite work like ...

    Universe: Do it, Do it, Do it !!!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "It happens to me all the time. When I need something, it appears. It's because there IS a higher power."

    Too bad the extent of god's impressiveness comes only from providing Q-tips for one lucky individual. How does this nitwit explain god's apathy about starving children and cancer?

  • Hortensia

    She said it's not her job. I thought that was quite an interesting response. "I got my q-tips, don't bother me with the starving and dying. That's someone else's problem."

  • sowhatnow

    some of us are just lucky, things just happen like that all the time for some people its weird. youd think there was something to it.

    like winning the lottery more than once, or even once.

    then there are all the normal people who have nothing special ever happen.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I always like when the news features some kind of disaster and then they focus on one person who "miraculously" survives. Then this person claims that "God saved me!" or somesuch.

    You've got to wonder, where was God when the tornado or house fire happened in the first place?

  • Hortensia

    the continuing saga . . .

    My neighbor came down to see me this evening. Said she'd been thinking about what I said. Then she said the reason all those people are starving is (insert long drivel here) and, "so you see, help is available from higher powers but they have to ASK for it." I said, "you think no one over there prays?"

    Long answer about yes, they pray, but not asking the right things, blah blah blah. Sometimes it takes generations of reincarnation to correct these things. Evil seems to have a strong grip on things. They need to pray for help.

    Arghh! I said I don't believe any of it. It isn't logical. So, then she went back to "god works in mysterious ways."

    I think that if you don't question the existence of god, then you say shit like that because you really don't have an answer and it really doesn't make any sense. When you can say to yourself, "there is no god," all of a sudden things start to make sense.

  • sparrowdown

    What kind of parent would you be if you had food freely available to you but

    waited until your child was starving and begging for food before you fed them...if at all?

    A pretty sucky parent.

    God must be pretty damn stupid if he can't tell the difference between Q-tips and food.

    "Hey God just thought I'd let you know I'm drowning not waving"

    "Oh forgive me my child, I was waitng for your request to be more specific"

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