wow, shaking my head

by Hortensia 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    All of you make good points. I wish you were my neighbors!

    Simon, still laughing at your scenario. Spelled out like that it's obviously absurd.

    Since she had to come down to see me and defend herself again, maybe my little shot has her feeling uncomfortable enough to do some more thinking about what she believes. One can only hope.

  • poopsiecakes

    So a solution presents itself to a person's moderate inconvenience in their mostly privileged life and it just has to be a higher power watching over them, making everything better and alleviating their annoyance. Amputees just aren't praying hard enough and have all the QTips they need anyway. Sounds perfectly reasonable.

    I probably would have made a joke out of this and said something like 'it must be terribly creepy to have an invisible something watching over you and moving stuff around all the time - imagine what they're thinking when you're in the shower and you can't find the soap!'. The whole notion is hilarious anyway...

  • PhilJonesIII

    Oh what a terrible bunch of cynics you people are! God works in mysterious ways don't you know?

    I was once browsing a shop with just enough cash to buy a Mars Bar or a scratch-card. Feeling hungry I bought the Mars Bar. The guy behind me got the next scratch-card and moments later was dancing around the shop like someone demented. He had won 10000 UK pounds.

    Now clearly that was god teaching me to appreciate Mars Bars because he felt I didn't appreciate them enough. At around 2000 pounds a bite you could say I really took my time to appreciate.

    And just the other day I sneaked to the bolangerie while my son was at school ( god's way of telling me I have enough children) to buy one of those strawberry tarts that I like to eat. They were running a sort of tombola type thing and I won a special bag to carry baguettes in. 'About as useful as a bicycle to a goldfish' thinks cynical me because I don't buy baguettes.

    But that evening I was invited to a picnic and 'could I bring some baguettes'? I had just the bag for the job!

    There! What more evidence of god's help do you want?

    I was rather hoping he might resurrect my partner or come up with some treatment to help my second son's autism......should I wait in hope?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I was rather hoping he might resurrect my partner or come up with some treatment to help my second son's autism......should I wait in hope?

    Obviously(TM), you need to work on building more faith. At this time you only have enough faith to earn you a baquette bag miracle, not enough for a healing or resurrection of he dead.


  • redvip2000

    Ask her to pray for something like winning the lottery.....

    Why even go that far? Tell her to throw that box away and pray to God to make another one appear at her desk. I'm sure it should be easy enough.

  • Hortensia

    So my neighbor has a neck spasm. She called all her psychic friends for advice, and was given lots of info about how she's holding in anger from a past life, etc. Had some healing done over the phone. Neck still hurts. I gave her a little neck rub, talked about over-use, advised some ice and aspirin. Her neck feels better. Do I get credit? Hah! But she did call me and ask for another neck rub.

    Well, I get a lot of amusement out of it all. Sometimes it's perverse amusement, like stirring a nest of ants with a stick.

  • poopsiecakes

    LOL! All hail the neck rub.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Sure, god can miraculously provide Q-tips, but can he heal amputees??

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I think you guys are underestimating the importance of Q tips in society.

    Did this woman read "The Secret" (of narrcisism), or the bible to come up with this stuff?

  • Hortensia

    Well, that's it, isn't it? God seems to be more into little parlor tricks than into doing anything actually useful.

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