Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR

by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    I've laid awake nights worrying about just this issue.

    Thank you Jehovah for providing meat in due season!

  • RubaDub

    My understanding has been that if she has a nice rack she can use her bra as a headcovering.

    Rub a Dub

  • konceptual99

    The issuse re older women having to defer to young children was pointed out when the previous ruling wad made. I am sure this is why they have changed it now.

  • blondie

    Seriously, I can see a problem if a mother has a 13-year old son who is an unbaptized publisher and takes him on a study and has him pray. I'm sure some non-jw students wondered how weird that was.

    I wonder how long it will take the GB to have the lesser ones kiss their ring?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I wonder how long it will take the GB to have the lesser ones kiss their ring?

    You mean instead of their ass?


  • prologos

    Why would a sister be in the service with a male who is not her husband in the first place? Question box May 1997 km. "--in the ministry--not wise to spend time alone -- who is not our marriage mate.--"

  • blondie

    Her son, her husband, her father

  • prologos

    Point well taken blondie, with the oedipus complex and incest,

    there is no end to the potential for wt scandals

    cover you head, your body,

    and dont take of your sandals.

    In many territories it would be offensive to have a married lady with another man canvass, enter a house, sit in a car.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Civilised peoples are moving away from the mysoginist attitudes that pervade the Bible and are leaving them in the dustbin of history. Those attitudes belonged to cultures of the past and have no place in today's societies.


  • Oubliette

    Further consideration of the matter suggests that a modification to this direction is appropriate. She only need to wear a head covering if her Spanx are visible and/or the brother is wearing tight pants and colored socks.

    For the sake of the "Kingdom Good News," the expression "colored socks" means any color other than black or white, although white socks are generally inadvisable for a brother even though white shirts are evidently preferred.

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