Wow, this kind of revelation shows you exactly how deep into the time of the end we are!
Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR
by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower bible
This new teaching makes sense.
I always thought this was the case anyway.
Splash (anticipating the response of every JW)
FatFreek 2005
I wonder what Lucy has to say about head coverings -- er, napkins.
Captain Obvious
Strain out the gnat, gulp down the camel
On the other hand, if a sister is accompanied on an established Bible study by an unbaptized male publisher who is not her husband, she would not Scripturally be required to wear a head covering
...and it is the third Tuesday in and odd-numbered month, the unbaptized male publisher was born in an even-numbered month, the air temperature is between 68.5-73.3 degrees F, the male publisher has never even considered wearing tight pants, and both the student and unbaptized male are vegans.
In that case, please contact Watchtower Legal Dept. for further direction.
Boy does this bring back memories..many years ago Pioneer sister was sitting in on bible study I was having with a lady and she mentioned her husband would be dropping their son (12 yrs. Old) and that when he came we should put on head covering. I started to laugh and said are you kidding to which she explained doctrine that must have missed for so many years. So here comes her young son and she put her head covering on...I am sure her husband did a check on this as he as master of their house..I did not follow her example..what a joke.
She thus shows respect for Jehovah’s arrangement of headship within the Christian congregation because she is fulfilling a role that would normally be the responsibility of the brother.
Of course, this completely ignores the fact that all Christians are charged with the task of teaching, not just men. So, a woman is not filling a role "that would normally be the responsibility of the brother". Furthermore, since when does a Bible study in a student's home qualify as "within" the congregation??
Idiotic WT legalism and minutiae...
So what if the baptised male is a kid of ten?
I knew sisters who conducted studies with men in the presence of their husbands and never saw the need.
Most failed to grasp the basic principle behind it so had no idea why or when they should be wearing one.
And why shouldn't sisters giving talks or doing demo's wear one? They are sitting in a room full of baptised males.
Head coverings. Remind me, what century is this?
I wonder if the WBT$ will be selling JW.Org logo tea-towels for this?