I think i've posted this here before, but once when I was probably 4 or 5, we met for service and it was all women and children under 12. It fell to the woman who's house we were in to conduct, and she asked her son to find her a hat. He came back with a mickey mouse ears hat, and that's what she conducted the meeting for service in. Not a lot of things more ironic than wearing a mickey mouse hat in order to show respect and preserve the dignity of the arrangement.
Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR
by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower bible
No napkins ever here. As pioneers we were regularly assigned to do 2 if not 3 group meetings for field service. We always had a scarf in our bookbag and there was one in the 2nd school in a drawer. If one of us forgot or had it in the wash, one of the other sisters would have one.
I see a pattern here of being deliberately unprepared.
Nevertheless, the conscience of some sisters may move them to wear a head covering even in such circumstances.
...and to judge those who don't.
perhaps the queens (sometimes also head of their national churches), wear head gear in public all the time. If this would be required of sisters, think of the not so hidden competition that would allow and cause.
I may be incorrect but its my understanding that baptism was for forgiveness of sins nothing else, as per mentioned in acts.
I may be incorrect but its my understanding that baptism was for forgiveness of sins nothing else, as per mentioned in acts.
You're thinking of when you're baptized in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. When you're baptized in the name of the watchtower society, you get a bunch of added perks like making women wear napkins on their heads, carrying microphones, and more!
Blondie, you may be right. It seemed to happen alot until there was a part on the meeting about what was and was not appropriate head covering.
This was in the late 60's , I remember seeing my mom wearing a scarf on a normal putting to protect her hair. She got it "done" once a week. So it was surprising that she did not have one with her.
These sisters did not want to conduct. I think they figured if they didnt have a covering so someone else would have to conduct.
I don't have a watchtower cd, I always enjoy looking back at an article that promoted something changed and all the scriptural support they pushed to validate it. Is there an article like this for wearing a head covering?
As to not conducting, many congregations I attended specifically made a schedule of congregation meetings for field service and knowing that brothers were not available, asked and assigned specific sisters to "conduct" on certain days. Then the question as to who was going to do it was settled and then that sister knew to bring or have a scarf or equivalent. There was always a scarf at the KH too. I can say that the other sisters were not very cooperative. The day's text was a joke and sisters could not set up car groups....it would take 45 minutes before we were out the door. Of course, the same sisters disregarded anything the assigned brothers tried to do.
Island Man
If a sister is wearing a weave or a wig, does that count as a head-covering seeing as it's not her own natural hair?
I have seen many sisters rightly despising the head covering arrangement by going minimal. They would put on a head band that covers just a littel more than half of their hair and using a color that is close to the color of their hair so that they don't look like they're wearing a head covering. It has the effect of looking more like a fashionable hairstyle than a head covering. I wish all sisters would do this so we can see if AM3 will start a pharisaic rant about the need for head coverings to cover all the hair and be more conspicuous.