Another subliminal picture in the WT!!!!

by DATA-DOG 103 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    OC: Very few qualified advisors in the field that we are discussing would accept the way that I am cited in your post based upon the legal terms of copyright

    I disagree.

    I have written dozens of graduate level papers vetted by a half-dozen different PhD level professors. My cites in reference to your previous comment would totally be acceptable because that is what you provided when you wrote it. It is all there is from the available information and it is also sufficient for anyone that wants to verify it.

    I admit, I do not know what the academic requirements are for an Art History major; my field is education and I'm totally up on my APA.

    That being said, I cannot "cite" what is not available. If you want me to include your credentials in my citations, then you will need to put them in your post. Alternatively, if the statements of yours which I have quoted are indeed from some other published source, then you were remiss in failing to provide that information.

    Personally, I would never cite an anonymous quote from an online blog in any kind of academic paper, but that really wasn't the point and you know it.

    Let's be honest, you're just being snarky. This is most decidedly NOT an academic forum.

    But we digress ...


  • talesin

    Must we beat this horse to DEATH?

  • Splash

    On that same cloth, are there three letters above his calf, shin, ankle?

    Is the first letter "S" and the last one "X"?

    They run along his thigh and first look like dark patches.

    Anyone else see this?


  • sowhatnow

    still laughing,

    but seriously, why is the wt still trying to hand draw pictures when we have so much technology and a thing called a camera?

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