Another subliminal picture in the WT!!!!
by DATA-DOG 103 Replies latest watchtower bible
Check out the folds in Adam's clothing, just above his left heel. SEE IT???
So what's the subliminal message? God is watching, but doing nothing to alieviate their pain and suffering.
Why not? Because Eve listened to a talking snake that just happened to be telling her the truth. She shared it with Adam and then they had a snack. Bad move guys. It sucks to be made by Jehovah.
Oub, you are looking in the wrong place.
DD, are you telling me you don't see Honest Abe?
I think you're on drugs! ... lol
Yes, Oubliette, I think I read that on another thread. It might have been the thread where CoCo (once again) put up the scan of the letter he received from the experts, verifying that some of these WT publications do, indeed, have subliminal images in them.
Well, I had my roomie look at it after I enlarged it, and we are both stumped.
lol! I don't see Abe Lincoln there, but then, I don't see things in clouds either. There's too much Vulcan in me. :P
Look above Adam's heel. Can you see the "demonic" goat head??
Okay, now I see what you are seeing - at the very tip of the heel.
I was just about to type, that it's a particularly bad drawing of the hip area, and wth is that fold? It isn't drawn properly at all because that crease is wrong. haha, that is exactly where the goat's head seems to appear.
You're freaking me out man!
I see two possible goat heads above his heel O_o