Advertising images often have hidden pictures to stir wanted makes sense that a goat could be blended into this image so people associate Adam as a goat...not being paranoid or mentally deseased...This is not unusual.
Another subliminal picture in the WT!!!!
by DATA-DOG 103 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hey, I see the goats heads above the heel too. But where's Wally???
I'm seeing a lot of parallels to this with the tight pants conspiracy. Hey I can see what your saying but to say that it was deliberate or in fact just someone with an over active imagination is another thing.
I apologize Simon. On the last thread thatwas about subliminal images, the cropped images of male genitalia were not removed. Are you saying that it is only female genitalia that is to be considered obscene?
It is not my intention to break forum rules. I was unaware of the different rules for different genders.
Okay, as soon as I get home I am going to try and trace that Goathead. Some of you have been very close but it's actually more obvious than you think. I can't believe some of you think I'm making it up.
Now, I'm not saying the watch Tower Bible and tract Society is demonized. I do believe someone is intentionally putting pictures where they don't belong. I mean, you guys saw the giant wiener on the back of the songbook, right??
Compound complex, Coco, help a brother out!
Whatcha smokin' there Data, you in one of those 'legal' states??? LOL.
Really thought, its like the idiots who sell an imprint of Jesus on some toast. You can literally find something in almost any illustration.
How the F do you post a pic from an I-phone?!?!?
Now look at the original. It's not as blatant as the photo I edited. I couldn't draw very well because my fingers are too big.
You gotta be kidding me...
I would like to apologize to everyone that I offended with the images I posted.
They were very graphic and, yes, I understand that they were shocking to some of those who viewed them
When I read the OP, I was curious as to what was supposed to be so obvious in the image. It is pretty evident that the hide that Cain is wearing is 'off'. However, what I saw first wasn't the goat.
For those who are wondering what it was I saw - here is where you look.
Turn the image upside down and zoom into Cain's chest.
This is an old trick and one that was used in one of the 'pioneer' images in subliminal advertising - and subsequently banned. (no wonder you 'banned' my cropped images, Simon ;) )