The generations teaching in 1995 was the first time I recall questioning anything, I was only 11 or 12 at the time. Then america online became popular and I would hang out in JW chat rooms where apostates abounded. I never talked to them but always would read what they had to say. Sometimes it made sense and other times apostates fed the idea that the watchtower portrayed them to be, crazy, angry, twisting anything they could. It really did not help what they were trying to do by how some would act.
Anyway fast forward the FIRST apostate website I ever read was sometime in the 90s. My heart was beating very fast as I was on the site. Again I read more stuff that made sense. I believe that's where I first heard of ray franz and his book. I went to the library and read it there for awhile out of fear of someone would find my book at home. Eventually I checked it out and locked it in my meeting bag since it had a combination on it.
After reading the book and I saw Ray had predicted that the generations teaching would need to be changed when he wrote his book in the early 80s and it took God's channel of communication over a decade to do it, that was a big moment of the light bulb going off for me. His book also pointed out about 607. I began researching that and figured out how it was all wrong. That was it for me.