Its lots of things, but first I came to the realization that even if the "Paradise Earth" was true, it was not a place I would want to be. It sounded more like hell. I did not want to spend eternity eating fruit and going to endless meetings. I could see that it would be an opressive place. When I first lurked on this site, I used the search feature to look up stories from bethel. If that was Jehovahs house I reasoned, I would not want to live in that regimented environment extended worldwide. After that the UN scandal and the surrounding lies and hypocrisy really started me down the road to real research and questioning everything objectively.
What Made You Finally Wake Up?
by Tenacious 39 Replies latest social current
The stench of bullshit got too much.
Lies. Hypocrisy. Historical inaccuracy. Guilt. Lack of love.
I go to a normal c of e church now and love it.
All the best to anyone who is trying to leave. Xx
I read Daniel 4 without WT/JW spectacles on, and realised that 1914 was simply not in the Bible. Stopped F.S straight away, said I could not teach what was not in Scripture. An Elder promised to return and build my faith in the 1914 stuff, never came back.
I felt very alone, then one day whilst looking for commentary on a particular scripture I stumbled upon Elihu Books site, run by Greg Stafford, who at the time was still attending JW Meetings. He demolished 1914 for exactly the same reason as me ! I was not alone ! Somehow there was a link to this site, and I began to learn TTATT.
The whole WT/JW teaching was exposed as wrong, and their many lies too.
I was on the road to freedom. The first real big step on that road was after two months of extensive reading on this Forum, loads of old Threads from years ago that answered my fears and questions, I walked out of the K.Hall and decided I could never, ever go back.
Try this exploration in tedium....
I'm pretty sure reading CoC did it for me. That was way before this forum came into being, and other JW discussions like H2O were too prickly for me to play in.
Getting the "other side" of the story from one of its own deeply enmeshed members changed the shape of my mind to where it could not go back to its original shape. When I closed the book after reading it the first time, my eyes were opened.
Witness My Fury
I said these words to an elder friend of mine while out in the ministry: "I dont want to get to 60 (i was 30s) and find it's just another cult!"
well those words never left me and when the time was right I decided not to wait until I was 60 to find out and to to make damn sure what I was born into either was the truth or was not. I gave the JW religion every chance to prove itself to be "the truth", it failed repeatedly. I the gave the bible every chance to prove itself, it too failed repeatedly. The god of the gaps was nonexistent. I am now a happy atheist.
The killer blow for me though was 607 being proven to be utter bollocks.
Thanks for everyone's comments. It really helps me appreciate the reality of what the WT really is. And how I'm not alone in my logical and irrefutable conclusions on so many fronts. It's really refreshing to be able to speak so freely with you guys without having to be afraid of being disciplined for exercising my right to question as to the veracity of the teachings just like the Apostle Paul asked that we do.
Some years back I watched a narration of CoC on YouTube and that sparked a sincere interest in proving or disproving what was being said. Stupid me I asked another Witness and this person discounted everything as a satanic trap. One thing that this Witness said really caught my attention and made me pause and reflect even deeper. I was told that even though the WT did change many teachings due to a better understanding (new light), the core teachings were correct and have never changed (hellfire, heavenly calling, field service, etc.).
This Witness is a lifelong member that is older and has way too much invested to see anything in a negative light. They are completely closed off and will not allow rational thinking. The WT can print out something incredibly against human logic and this person would do it without batting an eye.
I could never really wrap my head around the idea that only JW's would survive Armageddon. Also couldn't really justify this idea that god abandoned mankind because someone in the past made a little sin and we are to continue to unconditionally love someone or thing that can only love us conditionally. Not to mention he cursed us and left us to deal with Satan and the demons all by ourselves. Then went to a DC assembly really needing some encouragement and instead got to listen to GB member Lett admit that all at Bethel thought the end was going to come at 1975. Once I heard him say this I knew they had lied about 75, so decided to do some research.
I could never really wrap my head around the idea that only JW's would survive Armageddon
I wonder if this is the same question I should ask my son? Maybe that would get him thinking................Or do they have an answer for that?
Facts made me wake up.....