What Made You Finally Wake Up?

by Tenacious 39 Replies latest social current

  • Terry

    I was in Federal Prison (a prisoner of "conscience" in the time of the Vietnam War) as a JW when the

    wildfire got started about 1975 being the 'END' of six thousands years of human existence.'

    All the brothers in Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution began parsing the implications.

    If you mashed that phrase up into a meaningful communication from the Faithful Slave, what did it

    really mean?

    END of human existence.


    That rumor. . . that avalanche of wild speculation (cannily directed by the GB) built a sense of the inevitable in

    those of us imprisoned BECAUSE WE WERE SITTING DUCKS!

    We were in the belly of the so-called "Wild Beast" clearly identified as enemies of the state.

    We imagined the worst, of course.


    As soon as I was paroled in 1969, I commenced Pioneering.

    It is at this point a confluence of both reality and imagination and Post Traumatic Stress began visiting me demanding payment.

    I now appraise this process as a kind of nervous breakdown in slow motion.


    Cut to the chase!

    I moved my family (JW wife and three very tiny tots) from Fort Worth to California.

    Whatever reasons I spoke aloud or internally, I think I was definitely seeking asylum from the madness of

    PRESSURE from JW peers, the WTS, and the ever-increasing demands of END OF THE WORLD preaching.


    I was an artist by talent, but a JANITOR by JW exigency!

    When I arrived in Los Angeles I secured my very first employment as an artist.



    The Watchtower spell was broken!

    I made friends quickly with REAL PEOPLE. They were an influence for progress, development, ambition, and security of

    a genuine nature. (Note: those people are still my best friends while no JW would pee on me if I were on fire.)


    From 1974 to 1978 I watched the Brothers and Sisters chasing after the ludicrous ARMAGEDDON frenzy while I was basking

    in the eye of the imaginary hurricane truly enjoying my life FOR THE FIRST TIME since I had gotten involved with JW's.

    This was a BORN AGAIN experience disconnected from fake spiritual discovery.


    For those of you who did not live through the extraordinary BLACK FRIDAY SALE of 1975, let me tell you about it.

    This old world, this OLD SYSTEM OF THINGS was "going out of business."

    JW's threw themselves headlong into an incredible delusional state of mind which cognitive dissonance has caused most

    of them to pretend never happened.

    It was like leaping off a high cliff for them totally trusting a soft landing.

    Instead, guess what happened?

    THEY ARE STILL FALLING because absolutely NOTHING happened.

    The silence was eerie.

    The silence was cosmic cruelty.

    There was an almost unanimous unwillingness to TALK ABOUT the NON-happening!


    While everybody pretended things were just dandy--I was having the most beautiful renaissance and blossoming coming-of-age

    renewal I'd ever experienced or imagined.

    You see, MY LIFE suddenly disproved the LIE.

    I was working at a secular job in art IN THE WORLD with Christendom's Christians as my friends and I was prospering.

    So what?

    Jehovah had told me through his "mouthpiece" the faithful and discreet Watchtower corporation, MY WORLD WOULD END.

    Guess who was laughing?

    Not the JW idiots, that's for sure.

    The deer-in-the-headlights look on everybody's face told the real story.


    JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES HAD SELF-REFUTED by being stupid enough to set a FALSE DATE

    which clearly exposed them as following a FALSE PROPHET: the Governing Body.


    That, my friends, is what finally made me wake up!

    I had started fading almost immediately after my arrival in California, but not quite.

    I attended meetings and went out door to door. I tried.

    There was a sense of goofy self-delusion in telling people they had only 6 months to

    study and get baptized OR ELSE!

    It was flim-flam and nonsense.


    After 1975, my true blue JW wife began to change dramatically in personality.

    Cognitive dissonance was not a phrase in my vocabulary at the time. I had no label for it.

    She began drinking and staying out late and coming home acting weird.

    All this is very personal and I won't rehash any of it here.

    I separated from her. I continued working and giving her and the kids my entire paycheck.

    I was sorting out what the hell any/all of this meant.

    Where was my life headed?

    I slept at different friend's houses while my wife and I were separated.

    I was not engaging in anything sexual. I was not experimenting with drugs. I was not using profanity.

    I was not forgetting to wash my hands before eating or failing to wipe my ass.

    But, my wife went to the Congregation and poured out a tale of great opprobrium.


    I was called by the Overseer. Would I come in for a chat?


    I left that "chat" Disfellowshipped.


  • kaik

    Terry, thank you for sharing your experience. Touching. I was too small to remember 1975, except being told by my JW relatives that the end is near and I do not have to worry about school or anything else because the end is comming.

  • Fernando

    The elders' (Pharisees) and Governing Body's (Sanhedrin's) deep fear, hatred and contempt of the liberating gospel message according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms.

    Of course once I had woken up then a lot of other suppressed concerns suddenly all made sense...

  • happy@last

    The signs for me were always there, but cognitive dissonance and the control of the cult stopped me from breaking free, until I was truly at breaking point.

    At around the year 2000 my abuser was reinstated without my knowledge, I heard about it from my sister who called very upset at him stalking her at her assembly! I wrote to the elders asking how they came to this decision, what repentance did they see, to date I have never had a response to the letter. It was this same year I was appointed an elder myself and I have always wanted to help people. I saw this as an opportunity to do that. What I then saw was so much hypocrisy, I truly had believed the elders were trying to minister to everyone, what I witnessed was not the case, and directions from Bethel were so unloving that I couldn't cope.

    In 2003 I became suicidal, mostly due to the abuse I suffered as a child. I went to a psychologist every week for 6 months which helped greatly, but something still wasn't right. Around 2010 I was talking to a CO and told him I had seen a psychologist and a number of other health professionals. He said "Could you not have just got help from Watchtower articles?" That was the comment that made me realise it was so wrong.

    I have a good friend who has never been a JW, we had endless debates about JW beliefs and what she was saying was always logical, far more so than what WT was saying. She helped me realise I could have a life without the influence of WT.

    The cognitive dissonance hurt so bad, I knew what I had to do but knew it would be tough. I had a mental breakdown, this was my excuse to fade overnight. Then 3 years later the elders started hassling me, so I DA'd. I am so much better for it, and happier. I do not have any mental turmoil and see life is for living, not for waiting on everyone else to die at the hands of a so called loving god.

  • bigmac

    with me it was the blood issue. in 1971 i was married--and my born in wife was expecting our 1st. i just knew i could never put my family's lives in jeopardy over this blood ban nonsense. which got me really thinking--and facing the hard truth---i simply did not believe in any god.---so i had no business being a jw. . i was in it to please other people. so--i quit.

    i didnt need to spend hours pondering bible verses and watchtower propaganda-----so really i had it easy compared to many.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    Thank you to all who shared how painful cognitive dissonance is. It was that way for me. There were so many issues, but it boiled down to this: My husband left, my daughter left and my son was DF’d. I couldn’t wrap my brain around the idea that I could be happy living forever in paradise without my family. If I was going to be happy Jehovah would have to wipe out my memory of them. If god did that, just who would that be in paradise—not me, because I am a wife and a mother.

    I had an intensive out-patient hospitalization for severe, recurrent clinincal depression and post traumatic stress disorder in January, 2011. I was unable to go out in service. I even told an elder that I couln’t study with a young mother with an infant baby, because I didn’t want her to end up in a marriage in a divided household with an unbelieveing mate just like I was. (Please excuse all the “theocratic language”.) It is just too painful. He said, “At least she would have Jehovah” and walk away. I resigned from the TMS, because I would have panic attacks preparing to give a talk and would blank out (dissociate) on the stage.

    In April of that same year, I was sitting at a Service Meeting. They were droning on about the importance of the field ministry, because Armegeddon was sooo close and sooo many people were going to die. That was my tipping point. I thought, ‘If one more person tell me my kids are going to die. . . ‘ I walked out of that meeting and spent six weeks on my couch sorting through all of my doctrinal issues (When I first heard the Overlapping Generation doctrine, I thought, “That’s crap!” Hearing that the feet in Daniel’s dream image meant nothing made me burst out laughing), and I remembered all the injustices and hurt caused from JW doctrine over my 42 years in (I was there for 1975 and remember being told not to go to college, there wasn’t any time, I would not grow up, get married and have children. The dates in the Daniel’s prophesy book just don’t add up, The Revelation Climax dates and their obvious foolishness, the blood doctrie, disfellowshipping and shunning , the change in the definition of porneia, etc.)

    I went the summer DC on July 4 th weekend 2011 and realized I was surrounded by the Stepford wives. It was creepy. I told my family I wasn’t going to be a JW anymore. My son said, “Whoa, I didn’t see that one coming!” It took me a while with lots of therapy, but I am now depression free and off all psyciatric medications.

  • nowwhat?

    Overlapping generation, which led to more research. Revisionists history about 1914. 1925, beth sarim, UN involvement. Absolute no organization transparancy. Blood, pedophile coverups. Need i say more? We weretold it was the apostates with the half truths and lies but it was the organization that was guilty of this.

  • BizzyBee

    Sail Away,

    Thanks for telling us your heartbreaking story. You made some very good points ("Jehovah would have to wipe out my memory of them. If god did that, just who would that be in paradise—").

    So glad for you that you are finally free.

  • Ucantnome

    I don't think I was asleep

  • love2Bworldly

    Great hearing all your life stories, very interesting & some are sad-- but the experiences made you all stronger! Thank you for sharing your lives with us on this forum, it's so hepful to people lurking on this site & hopefully will help more people leave that horrible cult

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