Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?

by Finkelstein 164 Replies latest social current

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Apparently the Grand Jury thought so and thats the system that protects us all from the court of public opinion when it works. My opinion? It worked this time. I will add it would have been better if the stepdad had chanted, "we will sue in civil court" instead of "Burn this B++ch down!".

  • Honesty

    Simon says:

    " The people using this incident as an excuse for committing violence and destruction should be arrested and prosecuted."

    Damn right.

    This incidence is turning America upside down with unlawful assemblies, rioting, looting, destruction of property and other evil aqcts.

  • minimus

    In answer to your question, I believe justice was served fairly. I believe the cop handled himself appropriately. I am disgusted by the fact that people are making mb sound like he was a great fellow. If he obeyed the laws, he would not be dead today. HE is the problem, not the police.

  • EndofMysteries

    There are pictures showing the officer's bruises from being attacked. The jury got all the evidence and facts. According to laws of this country justice was served. If story as officer describes was not a lie, then I side on him. No doubt that Michael attacked him, the only doubt is if in the end he put hands up to stop. As soon as he attacked the officer, he signed his own death warrant. If the first bullet in the car killed him there would have been no contest to anything.

    Now THIS CASE below......the big black man who died after a chokehold, I think people should have been charged. Not sure what happened to them but they handled this situation really badly. First he was very upset, he was trying to be respectful even though not cooperating on being arrested, the guy shouldn't have chocked him, his very overweight and should of let him breathe and got off right away, and seems didn't even try cpr or anything when he was dying. And he wasn't a drug dealer or anything, just selling cigarettes illegally or untaxed.


  • Honesty

    At the press conference with Mr. Brown's parents that violent, riot inciting, criminal masquerading as Reverend Al Sharpton stood beside them with a smug look on his evil face.

    Reverend Al Sharpton is one of the most, vile and indecent excuses for a human being walking on the face of the earth today.

  • Finkelstein

    I will add it would have been better if the standard had chanted, "we will sue in civil court" instead of "Burn this B++ch down!".

    Yes and it does tell a tale of where MB was receiving an impressive immersion of moral standards, apparently his step father was a convicted felon.

  • talesin

    Holy fricking toast!

    The guy robbed a convenience store, attacked a cop, and got shot.

    The END.

    WTH? There are so many people of colour who are TRULY discriminated against, and we are wasting our time on this POS?


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Seeing the video footage of this pot smoking angry man robbing and assaulting the small indian store clerk was discusting. He was violent and threatening...no doubt with the officer also.

    End of story.

  • Mary

    here is an established protocol to wait for assistance upon coming into a situation when you come upon an individual or a group of individuals that is being extremely aggressive

    The officer really didn't have the luxury of waiting for back-up. Michael Brown & his friend started running away. At that time, Officer Wilson was pretty sure that he was the one who had just robbed the store (he fit the description and had the cigars in his hand) and as a trained cop, he did what he was trained to do. Michael Brown appeared to be very aggressive (believable after seeing the video of him robbing the store and shoving aside the worker who tried to stop him) and if he realized that he was facing arrest, it's not too difficult to imagine his response. He was a very big guy too, 6'3" and nearly 300 lbs. He hardly needed a gun to be seen as dangerous, especially as he had already attacked Officer Wilson.

    We all have 20/20 vision in hindsight. Officer Wilson wasn't give that luxury; he had to make a decision in probably less than 5 seconds. The tragedy is that none of this needed to happen. Had Michael & his friend not robbed the store, this wouldn't have happened. If he hadn't been acting like a smartass walking down the middle of the street, refusing to move when ordered to by Officer Wilson, this wouldn't have happened. His own actions, unfortunately, cost him his life that day and now his parents and family have to go the rest of their lives without their son. We can only hope that maybe this tragedy might be a lesson for other teenagers who might think they're above the law. It can cost them everything.

  • Quandry

    Lesson to be learned: Do not go into stores and steal merchandise. Do not call police officers names. Do not hit a police officer. Do not grab for his gun. Why would anyone of any race not see that these types of actions could be disastrous?

    I am sure that the grand jury looked at all the evidence carefully-they were the ones charged with making a decision, and did what was asked.

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