So by that assertion Tal you think what MB got is what he justly deserved ...... death ?
Lets keep in mind he was an 18 year old, a bit boozed and drugged up at the time.
by Finkelstein 164 Replies latest social current
So by that assertion Tal you think what MB got is what he justly deserved ...... death ?
Lets keep in mind he was an 18 year old, a bit boozed and drugged up at the time.
Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?
How do you suppose O.J. Simpson would answere that question ?
He would probably say no claiming that a black cop would have never shot at MB like that and he would be wrong.
Finkelstein. I think you are confusing concepts. Nothing MB did was an offence that carried the death sentence but there is no fault for his death. No one is saying he deserved to die but due to his actions he gave the officer no choice but to kill him in self defense.
So, he wasn't murdered, he wasn't executed - he was lawfully killed. Being lawfully killed is different to being sentenced to die for an offense. You seem to want to equate his death to a crime committed and want to believe that without a crime punishable by death that his death was unjustified. Self defense means you don't have to die for the other person to be killed in response. They can be killed to prevent that crime without you being guilty of any crime.
Unfortunate that he died, but him killing the police officer or someone else would have been worse because he was clearly the aggressor. He may not have deserved to die but he didn't deserve to take someone else's life 'more' (or should it be 'less'? You get the idea).
apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The role models of the gentle giant inciting a riot. I think his stepfather should be charged with inciting a riot.
Such a model citizen, that video of MB attacking the store clerk was certainly faked and he really was a gentle giant like his step dad.
That video of the stepdad is aweful...burning down peoples businesses and houses?? That anger is why his step son is dead.
During Wilson's testimony in court he stated after the altercation at the police car he called in for back up, which is what he should have done procedurally in a situation like this, right. But the call didn't go through because from his own explanation the radio channel was on channel 2 rather than chancel 3.
He did not give an explanation to why the radio in the vehicle was turned to the wrong channel.
OK lets give the benefit of doubt there .
Why did he not use the vehicle to tail Brown when he started to run off, if he knew that back up was going to be there shortly ?
Instead he decided to pursue Brown singularly on his own, which he most likely assumed would start another one on one confrontation.
The riddle is Bob McCulloch, why are so many Law Associations zeroing in on his performance.
Was justice served fairly in the Micheal Brown tragedy, whats your opinion ?
I do not pretend to know. Is death justice? My only opinion is that no matter what the system cannot be trusted one bit. If being a JW taught me anything it's TRUST NO ONE. Belief in the system is a delusion as much as believing in Jehovah(tm) is. That's just me. No offence intended to anyone sanctimonious or humble.
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...
for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”nietzsche
Lets be perfectly honest here, being a police officer is one the most mentally, physically straining and demanding professions there is.
Their job deserve the utmost respect from the community for trying to keep the peace and civility of the area of which they are assigned.
But at the same time one has to realize from all the variable activities that these officers have to conduct themselves in, that at times procedural mistakes are made by select officers during their policing activity.
Most of these procedural mistakes occur by the lesser experienced officers or rookies has their identified a such.
The most demanding part of the job that these police officers have, is to make slit second decisions on what would be the appropriate procedure to carry on with barring all presenting circumstances at the time.
Some times those decisions made come out as being disastrously wrong with entailing disastrous results, with at times someone's life unfortunately being taken.
I'm not intensionally trying to connect this with the Brown, Wilson case rather just to bring attention to this apparent fact.