What To Say To The Next JWs At Your Door?

by TR 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outnfree

    Just thought Matrix would like to know how my non-JW cousin in TX responded to viewing Dateline last night:

    Outnfree: Tell me, please, what will be your response, having seen the Dateline program, the next time the JWs come to your door?
    Prairie: OH somthing reminiscent of POP's attitude!!!
    Prairie: Basically tell them that the are prophets of the devil as far as I"M concerned and they propagate cult values
    Outnfree: OK
    Outnfree: they would leave immediately if you said that.
    Outnfree: or, at least, I would have! ;)
    Prairie: They hide behind their "faith" - Jesus said DO NOT HINDER THE LITTLE CHILDREN UNTO ME - NOT

    Prairie: i THINK that those ministers and anyone else involved should have been reported to the police! and prosecuted for molestation, rape, and obstruction of justice - this guy admitted it!!!! And I hope the story opens the eyes of MANY JW'S so they GET OUT OF THERE!! And I hope the segment causes enough public outrage & opinion - that the police investigate this further!! AND by the way, some JW"S did come past here about 2 weeks ago, I was polite and they left shortly after I was done!!! [Emphasis mine ]

    Since she was polite, do ya think she'll get a return visit soon?????


  • TR

    I love this stuff!

    Ding DonG!

    me: Hello?

    'hovah: Hello, I'm Dickweed Mc'hovah, and this is my friend Gossipina Stickupmyass. We're here to talk to you and your neighbors about how God will someday make all things new!

    me: Fuck that shit, I LOVE garage sales!

    'hovah: Duh, huh?

    me: Now, please remove your stinkin', yella carcasses ofn' my property!

    (slamming door makes imprint of Dickweed and Gossipina on it).


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • plmkrzy

    "But I encourage you to contact your state representative to encourage them to come up with legislation that would make it mandatory in your state for all child abusers to be turned into the authorities."

    MAtrix said this much that I completely agree with and it is a good piece of advice.
    Regardless of how Matrix feels about the way molestation is handled with-in the society is nither here nor there or anywhere. Changing her/his mind is not what I'm after.
    Changing law if thats what it takes to change policy IS what I'm after.
    I have no desire to bash this person.
    I use to BE this person I'm certainly not going to be harder on her/him then I was on myself.

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    On Saturday after dateline I had 2 JWs come to my door. I posted a thread about it at


    These people are just as blinded as I once was. I had a great discussion with them and talked about the need to remember the children and that the org had to find a way to do this.

    I understand the anger. I was a silent lamb. But no more. Getting angry at the people at the door does nothing to make them think. It does nothing to send them home to think about except how right they are and how persecuted.

    Make them think - really think - and stifle your anger at them. I let them know I was not angry with them. They don't make the policy. I did let them know very clearly without malice and hatred that I am angry at the org and have every reason to be. They agreed. If I hoild my anger I stay in control of the conversation. Without knowing it those two ladies were witnessed to instead of them witnessing to me.

    Quite honestly I think my witness was by far the more powerful between the two. I think they thought so too when they thanked me at the end of our conversation.

    Please be gentle with them. They need our love and support more than our wrath at the GB and WT org.

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • simplesally

    I agree with Lady Lee, "make them think."

    If you just upset them, they think you are an apostate or a goat. If you give them something to think about or encourage them to ask an elder to tell the police, or at least make them aware that elders do not always report crimes, then you have done something better.

    I am not saying I could hold in my anger enough to be calm enough to be heard. And if they came to my door, well, they'd realize they were at my door when they saw my face......I live in the territory I was df'd in, so even if they don't know my door, they all know my face.

  • deddaisy

    MATRIX:"They form a judicial committee against the transgressor and in order to protect the congregation, they are disfellowshipped."

    H.H.: "well sugar, why then was that "Fitzwater" character on "Dateline" found GUILTY of molesting, not one, but SEVENTEEN people and never disfellowshipped? You call that protecting the congregation?"

    MATRIX: "well I can't answer that because I did not watch "Dateline," but I'm sure I can come up with some answer if you'll give me a moment to look at my Watchtower Bible, and Trash script."

    H.H.: "well sugar, how do you expect to be informed enough to answer questions regarding "Dateline" if you haven't even watched it?"

    MATRIX: "oh silly householder, we don't have to be informed about current events, as long as we keep abreast of the latest from the Watchtower Bible, and Trash! I don't happen to have my "aid" book, so I'll have to get back to you concerning Brother Fitzwater..."

    H.H.: "What really concerns me is that you don't report these molestors to the police."

    MATRIX: "oh, but we do if that's what it takes to prevent a legal mess." And if we do happen to end up in court, we just send in our lawyers."

    H.H.:"yes, I have an old article regarding a court case. Funny, but I don't recall that molester being disfellowshipped either. I thought you said you 'disfellowship' transgressors sugar?"
    The Associated Press State & Local Wire
    October 18, 1999, Monday, AM cycle
    HEADLINE: Man loses bid to sue Jehovah's Witnesses over sexual abuse

    A Portland man who sued the Jehovah's Witnesses over sexual abuse he suffered from a church
    member when he was a teen lost his appeal Monday to have the case reinstated by a state supreme
    court that expressed reluctance to interfere with church activities.

    Bryan Rees, 24, obtained a judgment against Larry Baker, who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing
    Rees, but he also sought to sue three elders of the Augusta church as well as the denomination's legal

    In a unanimous ruling, the Maine Supreme Judicial Court upheld a lower court's dismissal of the
    claims against the church leaders and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc.

    Rees' lawyer said that the decision effectively gives rights to churches that would not be afforded
    individuals or corporations. "If we molest someone, we're liable. If they molest somebody, they can
    hold up the First Amendment shield and be granted immunity," said Michael J. Waxman, who vowed
    to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Bruce Malonee, a Bangor lawyer for the Watchtower Society, said the way in which the
    Watchtower Society chooses leaders and disciplines church members is part of its constitutionally
    protected freedom of religion.

    He said the decision permits members to make religious decisions without worrying about being
    second-guessed by a secular court.

    In his lawsuit, Rees contended leaders in the Augusta church he attended as a teen-ager knew that
    Baker had molested a child in the past but did not warn church members or expel Baker.

    He also said that common sense dictated the church should have done something to protect children
    from Baker.

  • D8TA


    Boy, do I remember those "presentation" rehersals like Matrix gave, when going "door 2 door". All filled with fairy tale wonderment, trying to memorize your speech before placing that WT and Awake.

    But...for some reason...I like the "REALITY" version better:

    ::sets up mic:: (heh heh)

    Knock Knock
    Matrix: Hello, we were in your neigh...

    D8TA: Are you Jehovah Witnesses?

    Matrix: Why yes we ar....

    D8TA: Hey, you are the people from that religion that hides pedophiles, aren't you?

    Matrix:Actually that is not true...


    Matrix: Well, no see...

    D8TA: Damnit! That's it ... ::releases the dogs from behind the doorway::

    Matrix: What the?

    ::Dogs rush Matrix, biting and gnawing as Matrix makes a b-line up the driveway::

    Matrix: Oh Jehovah help! My arm! My arm!

    ::Matrix makes it to edge of my property line::

    D8TA: Down Gunner! Down Lady! (dogs cease before property line border)

    ::Matrix notices a police officer on the corner::

    Matrix: Officer! Officer! I was just attacked by that man's nasty dogs! They tore my arm off! My bible is torn to shreds, and I lost all my magazines!!!

    Officer: Were you on the property?

    Matrix: Yes.

    Officer: Were you on the property UNINVITED?

    Matrix: Yes.

    Officer: Sorry, but due to WA state and Seattle private property laws, owners of such property can use any force necessary to remove uninvited people from their PRIVATE PROPERTY.

    Matrix: Aren't you going to do anything?

    Officer: Yes, I'm getting you an ambulance, so you can get that arm sown back on.

    Matrix: No, I mean aren't you going to arrest him??

    Officer: For what? Protecting his PRIVATE PROPERTY from trespassers? I can take a report, but that's all I can do.

    Matrix: What about my "freedom of religion"

    Officer: Look, I can see you are becoming delerious from the loss of blood...you should...

    ::Matrix faints to the ground::

    Officer: Um...hello? Are you okay? Hello?

    D8TA v2.0

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