In response to some private emails, here is an excerpt from the second page of the document I left with the Society, which perhaps, in part, explains why no action was taken:
"The Society or its teachings are not at issue here. In fact, they are altogether a non-issue and do not even get mentioned. This is because the teachings of ALL religious organisations are completely irrelevant in the context of this document, as my argument is exclusively against the notion that the Bible is "inspired", "unerring", "completely accurate" and having "the same authority as if written by God himself".
Please understand that in writing this document, I do not seek to influence anyone from his or her belief. Therefore, this document is not to be misconstrued as "disassociation" from the congregation, since disassociation is an action taken by the individual against the congregation. Nor should be misconstrued as "apostasy". IT IS NOT. Please understand this:
. I am NOT against the congregation
I am NOT against the brothers
I am NOT against the Society
This document is simply my way of explaining how I came to my present conclusion ABOUT THE BIBLE. Since the Bible is not the prerogative of any one religious organisation, scrutinising or criticising it should in no way be misconstrued as an act of rebellion against any one particular organisation.
In fact, putting the Bible ro the test is proper, even as the following quotations from The Watchtower and Awake indicate:
""w91 6/1 p3 Whether the Most High is the Bible's Author or not should clearly be seen upon a careful and unbiased examination of the book itself. g84 12/22 p9 We invite you to examine the Bible""
That set the tone for entire document.