I have stopped attending meetings. The last meeting I went to I gave a part on the service meeting. I resigned as an elder last month once I learned TTATT definitively. I couldn't stomach it any more. My question above was more of a curiosity. I struggle with bitterness at times. I'm a third generation born in with my entire family very committed. All of my siblings that can serve do so as elders and servants. I can't fully walk away because I have a young child with a major disease and need support from family when he receives treatment. Hopefully he will be done in the next year. I have much to vent and will soon. I have been on here for the last month and it's nice to know that my immediate family is not alone
Just quit quietly - the law is on your side!
by Ajax 77 Replies latest jw friends
Azor, sorry to hear about your son. It's tough not to be bitter when you realize how much of your life you gave for the whims of the corporate leaders and how much of a grip they have on those you love. I wish you the best with your son and your family.
Azor Im sorry to hear about your Son and also about all your family being in. Our families are also in but we were lucky enough to walk away with our 2 kids in tow not needing their 'conditional' support. Life can be sad sometimes as they dont talk to us but so so much more fulfilling and happy. Best wishes for your cult free future. Welcome to JWN, look forward to your future posts.
secular countries try to balance dealing with people individually and/or as part of a group. It is empowering to know that you can follow a secular path in life devoid of any group attachments and that the government will not hold this against you but welcomes you with open arms. Onoh secular goverments have given huge powers to groups like religious groups, ethnic groups etc and they are allowed huge freedoms and given huge support in law (but countries do differ on this).
quitting and sitting quietly and believing that the law is on your side is wonderfully liberating and then you can choose always to find secular solutions instead of religious ones to life's great mysteries, injustices and controversies. Saying NO to Jehovahs Witnesses and yes to the secular way is a strong way to live. Kudos to you.
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
You are correct in that countries differ vastly in their implementation of effective human rights for the individual. Grand sweeping Universal and National declarations of human rights are ideals which may or may not have specific laws to make them effective .
More appropriate laws may be found closer to home in state (or provincial) statutes, and may be administered by a government sponsored commission or such structure. A search of ¨Your State......human rights¨ will give you information if such assistance is available.
A human rights commission will give you free of charge assessment of your circumstances and if grounds are sufficient your case may be championed by a Human Rights Tribunal. The tribunal has authority similar to that of a court of law - to gather evidence of discrimination, forward statements and files to parties involved, schedule hearings of complainant and respondent(s), arrange mediation and award settlements (including financial settlements for various damages). There is no charge unless one prefers to use legal counsel.
Watchtower policies are hugely discriminatory - they only get away with it as they are a cult dealing internally with their own willing cult members.
Our success in escaping lies in disolving the membership (legally notarized in writing) long before the predictable witch hunt begins... and to keep quiet about it until the fools (predictably) violate your human rights by discriminating against you as a free person.
I like the idea of a preemptive written disassociation. It would be advantageous and prudent to draft a simple document notifying that you no longer agree with or follow the teachings and directives of the Watchtower corporation and as such no longer wish to be known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The document should be duly executed by a lawyer or notary public, properly witnessed and dated. The document should also include Article 18 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by the United Nations:
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
That paragraph should include a direct reference to the United Nations’ Web page from which that quote is taken: http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/.
Whether or not that Article in the UN Declaration is in any way legally enforceable, the important thing is that it be included word-for-word anyway as a tangible and poignant reminder that any coercion or blackmail initiated by the Watchtower or its representatives is in direct contravention of the basic standards of human rights of the UN.
You would think since the Watchtower wanted to be an actual NGO member of the UN for all that time that they could at least attempt to follow the UN’s basic tenets! This just further illuminates the profound hypocrisy and duplicity of the Watchtower.
Iown Mylife
The disassociation letter was a good choice for us. We wanted the Witnesses to stop coming here and leaving their propaganda. Once our granddaughter was safely out and away from rabid jw relatives, we sent a very simple note announcing our determination to resign from the Watchtower society. Worked very well...there was not even a memorial invite this year.
One elder lives in our s/d and I know he drives by here every holiday. We decorate for every event.
Article 18 from the UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a well worded ideal. Reference to such a concise expression would lend much in the way of moral credibility those escaping the cult.
You are the second poster to realize that quiting quietly is in reality preemptive disassociation. Since the gestapo will not know that such a step has already been taken, its document already drafted and signature notarized, you are free from that authenticated date forward to live as a free person.
An elder body need only be made aware of your quiet discreet decision if they ever proceed to harass, persecute or discipline you based on your having already exercised your freedom of religion.
The local body of hyenas will lose every claim against them if they are thus preempted. Quitting quietly is the way forward to a life of freedom.
My thoughts are with you and your family. I too walked away as a family elder in good standing .
You do what you know you have to do and lean on the good folks here- they understand and care.
Ajax - "...success in escaping lies in dissolving the membership (legally notarized in writing) long before the predictable witch hunt begins... and to keep quiet about it until the fools (predictably) violate your human rights by discriminating against you as a free person."
Pretty slick idea; I gotta say.