TD -
Your comment regarding conduct is absolutely correct - a page or two ago I mentioned that (If you so chose) you should still be able to attend their Public meetings , but only as an observer, but no longer as a participant - remember , you have already finalized your document declaring that you have abandoned the Wt/JW religious structure, but that doesn´t mean you have abandoned your family who still attend. You still attend to show your support of those you love. (unlike the JWs who shun those they should love)
You are still labouring under the notion that this is about DFing - it is not.
It is about exercising a right without interference. We have a right to leave or change our religion without persecution. When you chose to leave a religion you formerly persued , their influence and authority over you ends. Our little document spells out when this happened - thats when the cults authority ended in our case.
If you prepared ahead and left in good standing (no judicial issues in process) you have left the borg. Do not engage with Hyenas who may proceed to make trouble for you. Take notes of their actions and the actions they incite in others - if they in any way incite others to single you out for exercising a legal right they are in violation of the law.
Now is the time to make them aware (in writing) of just how much you respect Human Rights and how seriously you intend to act if yours are infringed upon by the local Eldubs. There is an example of serious wording in a post above.
The local body will be unprepared for this preemptive approach, as most hoping to escape try to pull off a fade and ultimately get sucked into confrontations with hyenas while they are still ¨in¨ and thus in a position to be disfelowshipped.
Better to prepare your document to solidify your position as 100% ALREADY OUT and then do an appropriate fade - fast if you just want to be gone and slow if you want to hang around for the support and direction of those you love.
Now individual dubs can display their ignorant self-righteousness anytime they want and for any reason they want- it has never been a crime to be a deluded asshole. But inciting someone else to discriminate is a whole different ball game (read carefully human rights acts).