Pistoff: Some feel, and I am one, that it is a churches job to shepherd and feed the flock, no matter if they are 'illegal' or not. It's a place of worship, not an enforcement zone!
Really? The problem with WT is that it has indeed set itself up as an enforcement zone -- kangaroo trials disguised as judicial comittee meetings to chastise its membership for smoking, fornication, breaking Caesar's laws (um ... except for illegal immigration), etc., etc.
The enforcement zone of the local congregation is mirrored throughout the world in congregations which probably number close to 40,000 -- that zone is alive and well.
With due respect, the Watchtower double-standard is a mirror of Paul's double standard. Recall he is the very one who wrote Romans 13 and the same one who gave counsel to that runaway slave.
Repeating that earlier WT quote: " Take note that while Onesimus was in Rome the apostle Paul did not hand him over to the Roman authorities for punishment as a fugitive slave and possibly a thief. We know from his writings that Paul believed that a Christian should obey the law of the land, but plainly he did not consider it the congregation’s duty to serve as an arm of the government in policing individuals’ lives. "
Is it possible the early Christian Congregation did not have an enforcement zone like the JWs do?