I started slowly waking up on my own. After 1995 and the generation change (one of several since then), I realized I would grow old and die "in this system of things" and made appropriate life plans to have a career and a retirement. I had only jobs before my career that started in 2000.
As a JW elder, I did research for platform speaking parts. I could find the answer to virtually any JW questions in their Watchtower Library and I could find the answers to anything else in Google (and other search engines before Google was the one to fall back on).
A few things in the JW world did not sit right with me, namely showing favoritism to elders then to higher ups even more so. I pioneered one year to give Jehovah the opportunity to use me and shine the spirit on me, but instead saw that it was just all about time and stats and felt no spirit. I started reading what outsiders said about the scriptures- scholarly people of Christianity mostly. I saw that there were plenty of ways to look at things.
One day in 2005, I just up and decided I would google "Jehovah's Witnesses." I said that truth is not afraid of lies, I would see the truth and know it. So I would go to every link without fear of who is writing it, and if it's craftiness from Satan, I would be able to discern that. I quickly discovered jwfacts.com and freeminds and started waking up faster.