Why Witnesses Shun the World

by non_trias_theos 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • non_trias_theos


    you ask two many questions.

    $$$Are you stating that there are people OUTSIDE of your organization that have a realistic hope of making it through?$$$


    $$$More specifically, so you don't twist the words, at the EXACT time armageddon comes, do you believe that even 1 person who is NOT a member of the WTBTS in good standing may live through the great tribulation (I think I have that right, anyone corect me if I am in error on the terminology)???$$$


    $$$Specifically, are you now stating that the organization is NOT needed to be a Christian and pleasing in god's eyes?????$$$


    $$$Are you stating that the ENTIRE world (except for those aligned with the organization) is NOT part of Satan's organization? There are exceptions to that rule???$$$

    Nope. Looky 1 John 5:19.

    $$$Oh, and I'm talking about people who have stated clearly and plainly that they believe the organization to be a bunch of hogwash.. I'm not talking about people who have a 'potential' to align themselves with god's organization later on.$$$

    Zephaniah 2:2-3 tells people to seek righteousness and meekness. they also gotta seek Jehovah. Zeph 2:3 say that by doing those things, you will probably be concealed on day of God's anger. That is what non believe.

    $$$Can a person who rejects the organization, yet still live a Christian life be saved? For that matter, do you believe that a person can live a Christian life without being part of the organization?$$$

    Non believe that anybody who reject God's righteous just standards will not be concealed like Zephaniah 2:3 say.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    "Non's guide is holy bible. If bible forbid something, non refrain from doing that act.....
    show non where bible forbid going to the lost sheep and non will get out of this place tomorrow."


    Don't tell elders you hanging out here.. Their guide is "Holy bible" (or unreasonable facismle thereof) tooo, and they expell you from congregation rapidy for frequenting here..

    Is non stating that organization is NOT representative of bible and therefor not representative of God?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ...."when James uses world in James 4:4--he means those without the christian congregation"....

    well i just read the scripture you quoted in CONTEXT.
    (That means reading the surrounding verses)
    It doesnt MENTION non association with "worldlings" but is talking about human weakness and internal, personal, struggle against sin.
    So where do you get the idea that its talking about being friendly with non church members??

  • non_trias_theos

    In a way you right. James 4:4 tells christians to shun the worldly practices. How can you do this though, if you run with world? Read 1 Peter 4:1-4 in context. What about bad associations spoils useful habits?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well these passages in Peter talk about excessive behaviour.
    It becomes a matter of degree of behaviour and, if you like, degree of association, though nowhere does the Peter passage say to not associate with people who are not Christians.
    My opinion is that the Watchtower has extrapolated such passages to a degree of interpretation that is not warranted by scripture.

    The Bible does not say that I should prevent my child playing with the kid next door.
    The Bible does not say I cannot join a football club.
    The Bible doesnt say that i cannot attend my mothers funeral if she is an Anglican.

    This is the Watchtowers interpretation.
    It is extreme, and unwarranted.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Heres a segment of a video tape from the "Heavens Gate" cult.

    Student: What about avoiding places that would tempt a vehicle, like bars and clubs?

    Do: Wow! I know that it's important for us to mention this, but these things are just so distant in our history to even think about. But in yours, they're not that distant, because you might go to places where you would subject yourself to vibrations where people certainly wouldn't be that accepting of your discussion of what you're about to do or ready to do. How could you be consistent with your new mindset if you're in a bar or someplace where the vibrations are that of intoxication, or thinking the kind of conversation that goes on in a bar, whether it be of the NFL game or so-and-so's pregnant or so-and-so is about to get married, did you know this - gossip and all the kinds of conversation that is common in a bar-like circumstance. The vibrations are so beneath us that we would avoid them like the plague. I can't count the times that we've gone into a place, even a restaurant or a movie that, by looking at the advertisement, we thought it would be okay, and we have to turn around and leave because we can't stand the general feeling that is there. It's almost the unseen presence that is there that seems to run us out.... I'm afraid we've even visited churches where the same thing has happened, where the thing that people would talk about would sicken our stomach because it would be so unbecoming to the instruction that we have received in our changeover from the human kingdom to our Father's Kingdom. So, the answer is yes, we avoid places that could pull us back into the world, and we try to confine our places to things that are uplifting....

    Notice the "wordly "places that are to be avoided.
    Arent they the same places the Watchtower would list?
    Curious, yes?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    "$$$Oh, and I'm talking about people who have stated clearly and plainly that they believe the organization to be a bunch of hogwash.. I'm not talking about people who have a 'potential' to align themselves with god's organization later on.$$$

    Zephaniah 2:2-3 tells people to seek righteousness and meekness. they also gotta seek Jehovah. Zeph 2:3 say that by doing those things, you will probably be concealed on day of God's anger. That is what non believe.


    And to seek Jehovah you need to do what? ALign youself with a HUMAN organization? Specifically, the fallable HUMAN Watchtower Organization? Is that what you mean by seek Jehovah? Or can one seek Jehovah without the HUMAN organization?

    Can someone be rightous and meek without the HUMAN organization?

  • seven006

    Non is just here to play with himself.

    In non- hypocritical-JW worldly walking dead peoples terms, he is simply full of shit. If you look at the threads with the other names he uses it starts to become clear that he is just jerking us all off.

    I think his days are numbered here, it's only a matter of time before Simon sees the multiple accounts this psycho dip shit is using and kicks his ass from the board. If you ask me, this idiot reeks of YoYo.

    I have no more time for this moron. You guys have fun.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I've heard this many times & not from JWs
    It is just an old fashioned word, thats all.
    They try & keep up with the times, but they're always a few centuries behind LOL


  • Bang
    Non's guide is holy bible. If bible forbid something, non refrain from doing that act.

    How about this one non.
    Thus then every one of you who forsakes not all that is his own cannot be my disciple.

    Have the JWs all got into that one yet?
    Or have you found some other easier meaning for it.


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