To the District Overbeer:
Tell that to the Branch Dividians,the followers of Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate members, Charlie Manson's victims, oh but wait....they're all dead aren't they? Just when you thought it was safe to be in a cult!Yeah, they're all dead!! And why did they die?
Although there were murmerings of drug induced stupors, especially with regard to the Jim Jones cult in Guyana, for the most part they died because they were deceived! In the same way many are deceived by the WT organisation.
Let's compare the early Christian martyrs and members of these cults
All of them, except of course, Charles Manson's victims, were brainwashed by a charismatic leader claiming 'new light' on widely accepted doctrines. (I supposed one could say that Jesus also claimed 'new light')
They lived in communes or compounds, isolated from the rest of society and were discouraged from maintaining family relationships. (That's putting it mildly!)
Jesus' diciples, however, remained in the community even after their 'leader/founder ' had gone away. They did not isolate themselves in a religous commune, but continued to pray and worship in the temple. Acts 3:1
Members of the cults you mentioned committed suicide. They were not martyred for their faith.
Unlike the early christians, they were not told to renounce all or be put to a tortuous death. They were not made to look into the eyes of a ferocious lion before it tore them apart in a Roman arena.
For some of them it would have been a simple thing to reverse the death sentence. All they had to say was, "We have no king but Ceasar!" and the lion would have someone else for dinner.
But they did not and thence they were killed.
Would they have done that for a lie? Would they had done that had they not seen the risen Christ?
Matthew was slain in Ethiopia
Mark dragged through the streets until dead
Peter and Simeon were crucified
Andrew crucified
James beheaded
Philip was crucified
Bartholomew flayed alive
Thomas pierced with lances
James, the less, thrown from the temple and stoned to death
Jude shot to death with arrows
Paul was boiled in hot oil and beheaded
Thinker: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to taint everyone with the same brush.
Saint Satan: What we have on that site you mentioned are a series of book reviews. There's no indication that Gordon Stein Phd ever engaged Josh McDowell in a debate of the issues. It's very easy to tear someone to shreds behind their back.
There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Prov 14:12