I posted recently about how I attended a humanist funeral for my pal Knocker John. No prayers, no hymns, just a natural goodbye that, in itself, contained a healing element that somewhat counteracted our feelings of grief.
Then I think back to the funeral of my Dad in the 80’s. It was, quite simply, nothing more than a commercial for the witness religion. It was an overly smiley affair for the benefit of Dad’s non-JW relatives, most of us just sat there and fumed quietly whilst the dubs grinned inanely at us. To cap it all, some gauche female that I had never met in my life, came up to me and stated that: “She could never do what I had done and turn my back on Jehovah”. Cheers, Darlin’ just what I needed to elevate my Fathers funeral into the dizzy heights of my life’s best moments.
I’m now becoming aware that one day I may have to sit through this again. My Mum is no spring chicken and, although she is as fit as a fiddle now, has stated categorically that she expects my kid brother and me to go along with her own wishes for a JW funeral, and has also expressed her wishes to the incumbent PO of her congregation.
Now although back in the 80’s I wasn’t as clear thinking in my reasons as to why JW’s are so totally off the wall with regard to their teachings, I most certainly am so now. So I do need to have some basic strategy in mind to deal with the situation when it eventually comes. I can’t see me acting like the son of the local asst PO, who, at his Father’s funeral reception party, lambasted the JW’s loudly for their hypocrisy. I’m not going to stoop to that.
So what shall I do when the time comes? Obviously it will be a very sad occasion for me, and lil’ brother. Will I really have to sit there and listen to a witness commercial, complete with audio tapes of witnessy songs, when what I really want is for them to talk about my Mum?
What about the DF’ing aspect? I have always maintained that I will not play the game, I will not enable them in their unbiblical shunning policy by quietly sitting silent, a little goat to be ignored. Somehow, and it may be many years from now, when my last JW relative does die, I want a funeral that is about HER, not about dubbism, I want to attend and play a major part, and most of all, I don’t want to compromise my own principles by aiding and abetting them in their silly shunning games.
How I will ever accomplish all this I just don’t know. I can't see them allowing me to go up to the platform and deliver a eulogy somehow. But I think it is best to be prepared. Any ideas, anyone?