Legal Question: How Strong is Barbara's Case?

by Room 215 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • crawdad2

    the tide has already changed!

    the catholic church used those same tactics and worse, to harbor pedephiles for centurys............. they are loosing in court now.

    this is a whole new ball game now!..........the gov body has millions, and millions, and millions.........and it's up for grabs......... they are dead meat.

  • hillary_step

    The 'time and money' scenario once presented to me by a member of Legal must never be overlooked when the matter of legal action against the WTS is discussed.

    He exposed the WTS policy of waiting out cases, frustrating and dumfounding the opposition by a lack of cooperation in providing information, always requiring multiple letters to be written to the WTS over even small issues. Subsequently the opposition is presented with staggering costs. I have personally known a number of lawyers who have lost heart during this process and been instructed by their partners to 'drop it', as the case was costing the practice too much time for too little a return. Law firms, it must be remembered are businesses.

    "We have time, and we have money". Perhaps the 'time' is running out for the WTS. Eventually a substantial case will be won against them and the floodgates of justice will drown them, but I suspect by that time the true perpetrators of these crimes will either be dead, or to frail to appear in a courtroom.

    That is why I personally believe that a class action focus will be the only way that any serious attempt at gaining justice against the WTS, for whatever reason, will succeed.

    Not only will it deal a frightening blow to the WTS public persona, of pressed suits, controlled emotion, and sanitized platitudes fraudulently crafted to give an impression of caring for peoples welfare, but it will also give those suing combined financial strength, a much more attractive proposition to legal teams.

    Until then, I fear that any attempts to gain anything other than a prosecutors hearing ear will be like trying to bang home a six inch nail with a childs play hammer.

    Sorry to sound so bleak, but I have seen how the WTS works these cases.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 13 June 2002 13:29:24

  • metatron

    As long as these challenges use up the time and energy of the Society's Legal dept.,

    that's a victory in itself. The whole Dateline reaction exposed what amateurs and inept

    clowns they can be. Keep putting pressure on them and you'll see more public mistakes

    and legal missteps - possibly leading to their eventual collapse.

    Drain them, drain them, drain them....


  • hawkaw

    ...... uhhhhhh ..... I might suggest you guys slow your jets down. It's not a new ball game and religious institutions can make their own rules or change the rules. As MA/AXJW has stated - look carefully at what the WTS has stated publicaly. To me, "investigating" a "possible" act is not deflamation of character. Again, it is very difficult for a court to touch on any doctrine issue in a religion in this particular case as was found out by another exJW in Maine.

    Now I am humbly requesting people to quit saying this is an easy case to win or Barb's got a really good case unless you have some outstanding piece of case law or statutory law or other evidence that you can reference that I am aware not of.


  • hillary_step
    As long as these challenges use up the time and energy of the Society's Legal dept., that's a victory in itself


    Not really - the time and energy put out by WTS leagal is viewed as 'service'. Not just that, but 'service to Jehovah'. They enjoy it, and there are plenty to fill the ranks if any fall.

    Best - HS

  • crawdad2

    hi hillary,..........i agree.

    hawkaw,......... there is a big difference now,........the pedohile issue is in the media right now.

    barbara was on dateline............ it's not like it used to be.

    the gov body is going down...

    i'll bet the gov body trys to settle out of court.

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 13 June 2002 13:51:32

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 13 June 2002 13:52:47

  • JT

    Not really - the time and energy put out by WTS leagal is viewed as 'service'. Not just that, but 'service to Jehovah'. They enjoy it, and there are plenty to fill the ranks if any fall.

    when i was at bethel we had the society's lawyer explain to us how they got the permits for the stanley theater at breakfast on the usual Friday morning speical report.

    he explain that they used some little know law that was on the books and how they sued not Jersey city, but how they sued the indiviuals, requiring each one to get their own lawyer

    then they packed the courtroom with 5 lawyers at the table. so they would see that they meant business, so while they were envisioning that wt legal team was setting the society back around $2000 or more per hour in fact all the lawyers were bethelites clocking $90.00 PER MONTH

    keep in mind that the wt plays by theocratic warefare rules and they write the manual- they literally take advantage of nonjw - lack of understanding within wt world.

    the case will indeed revolve around the judge and how he views religion in court for passing judgement on it's members in my view

    i wonder how this would play in court LIKE FRANCE if barbara was in france

    it would be interesting to say the least

  • LDH

    Great points, JT.


  • hawkaw

    Well, Cd2, if there is such a great difference now compared to then please provide me with the direct evidence that will let her win this case or maybe the new case law that I am completely unaware of.

    JT - The case will revolve on what the "supremes" have stated over and over and over and over and over again


  • crawdad2

    hi jt........ i know how slick the gov body is........

    but the smell of blood is on them, and the sharks are comming............ the first sharks that are willing to work for beans, and go the distance with them, is going to get the pie!......... millions and millions and millions.

    they can win on this issue.

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